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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Perhaps it's because you're proving yourself to be a dipshit.
  2. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    On my way to the airport now. 8:40am EDIT - on the plane now. See y'all in a few hours.
  3. Hmmmm, if they're willing to let you roll the unlimited plan even after upgrading the phone via normal channels it smells even more like a last gasp for customers prior to Apple's little event next week.
  4. I don't know what version you're using but all I did was download it from Google yesterday and this is what my "options" look like for clearing data automatically. I only see one choice, clear history and cookies or don't when I close the browser. What you're talking about is being able to manually go in whenever you want and clear selective things, which is totally different. I want it to automatically purge my history every time I close the browser but I don't want to lose every cookie I have at the same time.
  5. I think you're taking this a bit to the extreme Jacob. If someone punched you in the head would you need a double blind test to confirm that they had punched you? There is a distinct, easily perceptible change in how the headphones sound when you cover the entire grill area with your hand. The same could be said if you laid a speaker down so that the driver was facing the floor. If you want, this weekend we'll tape over some Grado grills and let Tyll test them vs. no tape. Or would those measured results be insufficient to satisfy you?
  6. I decided to check today and so far in 11 of 31 days on my current billing cycle I've used 167MB of data so I would not be able to switch to the less expensive plan. I don't consider myself a heavy data user and honestly, I was surprised to see the total this high.
  7. Based on what I read I don't think it does. Clearing cookes, to me, would mean that on a forum like this if I visited twice in a day Chrome would not remember what posts I had previously read whereas FireFox does without remembering that I visited the site (in History).
  8. That product holds no appeal to me, even if it's sonically superior to straight up JH13's. I never want to be permanently tethered to a particular amp.
  9. Yeah, there are things that I don't like about Chrome, e.g. no way to clear browsing history without clearing cookies too. So for now it's an experiment but I hope they continue to work on it as FF has gotten pretty slow.
  10. Every report that I've heard is that printing is pretty much still a big fail on the iPad. So you might find something that will work, but I wouldn't count on it and would probably just wait a month or two for more developers to bring apps to market.
  11. I bought FedEx Express shipping so that one of my DIY hommies can get his amp done in time for CanJam. I also printed by boarding pass for tomorrow's flight, although I guess I paid for that a while ago.
  12. Since the iPad does not require a contract I wouldn't feel very certain about it one way or the other, that is to say that they may indefinitely grandfather the early adopters or decide that at some point they simply won't offer an unlimited plan. With the phone if you are out of contract and decide to upgrade you would probably have to do so by paying the unsubsidized phone price to keep from re-upping your contract which would result in having to choose from currently available plans. At least that is my understand of it and the experience that I have had upgrading phones over the years. What I really see is AT&T proving me with a) powerful motivation never to be under contract to them and hope that Apple will see the light and open up their phone to other carriers in the US. This has also all but killed any thoughts I had of buying a 4G iPhone on AT&T.
  13. There's a world of difference between providing a reflective surface over the entire opening/grill (your hand) and the dot that Jacob was experimenting with. You guys are arguing about essentially nothing. One of you tested one thing, the other another, albeit with wildly different methodologies but the fact that one heard a difference and the other didn't is entirely irrelevant in this case.
  14. Spent 4+ hrs on the phone dealing with issues that didn't exist yesterday and could have been solved in less than half the time had I been notified in a timely manner. As a compounding eff you to me I'll spend the first 5hrs on the road tomorrow morning not getting the shit done that I need to before I leave which means that returning from CanJam will be, uh, less than enjoyable.
  15. n_maher

    12Ls v. A5s

    They each have a power switch right? Mine do, as pictured below, and I shut them off when not in use.
  16. n_maher

    12Ls v. A5s

    I share your semi-frustration with the power switches on the 12L's and I'm actually working on something for that. My plan is to use a switched AC relay coupled to a box with two receptacles for the 12L power cords so that a single switch can safely turn them on and off without the annoyance of giving them each a reach around. Should I arrive at something remotely approaching elegant I'll share it.
  17. I installed Chrome today and mother eff it's fast.
  18. n_maher


    5th Gen, 8GB Nanos @ woot today - Woot : One Day, One Deal (SM)
  19. n_maher

    Audeze LCD-2

    At least you got that part right.
  20. I hope they'll let me activate a new phone on my existing account (no contract in place)... And $20 a month for tethering, blow me. [edit]Holy crow, I can't believe they changed the Pad data plans already too. WTF is up with that? That was a key selling point of the device and has existed for what, like less than a month of actual use? My guess is that Pad users were chewing up data at an alarming rate and crippling the (allegedly) already overloaded network.
  21. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    This week is going to suck ass, it's like work saved up special torture just for this occasion.
  22. n_maher

    slow forum

    I expected to hear that he yelled, "LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYY JENKINS!!!!" at it until it ran away.
  23. n_maher

    slow forum

    Norwegian Boy saves Sister from Moose Attack using World of Warcraft Skills
  24. That's about enough out of you.
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