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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher


    FACT: I did not listen to them.
  2. If you're this freaked out by the difference send them into Grado and have them check them out.
  3. All numbers have mathematical significance.
  4. An interesting take on the new data plans with some actual data information used to support it. New iPhone, iPad limits: How far 2 GB will get you - Jun. 4, 2010 My takeaway, "For Netflix subscribers using the new iPad app, 2 GB of data will only get them between six and 12 hours of streaming movies and TV shows, depending on the bit rate Netflix used <snip>". Translation, ok if you're using it at home and can hop on a wifi network, perhaps pretty awful if you're traveling and planning to use 3G streaming to catch a couple TV shows.
  5. Except that Shelly is a woman.
  6. I have ripped literally thousands of CD's with EAC and I can count the number of problems I've had with it on one hand, what stability problems have you had?
  7. Shelly, Thanks to you for sharing as well and the feeling that this is a safe place despite what some would claim about it.
  8. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Yikes, the things you miss by going to bed at 2am...
  9. What makes you say the Peak and Pinnacle are "extremely similar" and share the same DNA. From a technical standpoint, as far as I understand it, they share very little.
  10. Steve, I'm glad that you feel comfortable enough with all of us to post this message. More than anything I'm just happy that you feel like being you around us and couldn't care less about your preference for a date.
  11. I just noticed that none of the phones got a bump in storage, the max is still 32GB which doesn't seem wise given the HD nature of the new phone. Higher definition video content is going to eat that storage up just like it does on an iPad.
  12. Nice, but I'll be content with a 3GS (wink wink, nudge nudge).
  13. I saw Scott trying to get it setup Saturday (I think) and the issue was that it would only pass 24bit signals and his DAC (the EAD 7000) wouldn't accept them. So I don't know if he ever got it up and running or loaned it out to someone else.
  14. Even more reason to believe that today's, "And one more thing..." is going to be that the 4G will be the first iPhone available on networks other than AT&T. Everything they've done in the last week, especially given the expiration of the unlimited plans being today, points towards them losing exclusivity. Granted, there could be other reasons for their posturing but it just seems like so much of what they've done is contrary to the we-love-apple mentality that AT&T has had for the last two years that I can't help but hope the days of AT&T-only iPhones are numbered.
  15. I think it's pretty much ready to go, Tom just had too much to do prior to CanJam to get the parts kitted. I'd expect things to move along pretty soon but we didn't talk dates. Also, based on what I saw for space constraints you'd have a hard time using a pot that was any larger than the RK27.
  16. Made it home through some above average but not quite Lost-like turbulence. The flight was delayed on both ends but I'm just happy to have made it.
  17. Sadly I am at the airport. Thanks for a great time Chicago.
  18. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Nope. 404le
  19. Pics and video were taken.
  20. Hot Doug's
  21. Waited in lone for an hour and a half for a hot dog. It was absolutely worth it.
  22. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    End all be all of Stax amps.
  23. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    I got some solid time on the T2 today after hours and it is, without question, efiing amazing. So fast, so dynamic, so damn good.
  24. n_maher

    Audeze LCD-2

    Tyll measured the LCD-2s this morning and the are shockingly good in that regard. Duggeh's headphones were a different story.
  25. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Jack , as far as I know there's only one shuttle pick up spot so you're probably in the right spot.
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