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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I should have expanded my explanation: If the requirement is to be able to work with anything from the HF-1 to the K340 you're going to need switchable gain which while technically possible on the beta or dynahi is not really practical. I'd setup a balanced M
  2. I'm with Dan on this, if you already live in a hot place I'd hesitate to build a space heater of a headphone amp and both are on the warmer side of things.
  3. Heh, in a simple twist of fate I just happened to check this thread for the first time in a long time. Thanks V.
  4. n_maher

    Canjam 2010.

    Nice pics, Gene.
  5. We've been pretty happy with our '07 Camry although the gas mileage has never quite been as good as it should have be. It also absolutely requires snow tires, but I'd say that about most 2wd cars. If I had it to do over again I would have spent a bit more and got the Camry Hybrid. I'll always hate Honda for the new Civic they came out with in '07 which was vastly inferior compared to the predecessor.
  6. I'd think in this economy that you could do quite well shopping used and maybe even new depending on what your budget is.
  7. Not to mention any of this being remotely relevant to this thread, right? Hi Pete.
  8. I love the email that I got from AT&T last week telling me I can now get AT&T's navigator for just $6.99 a year. Really, voice-guided nav for just $84 a year? I swear the GPS that I bought for $125 total does that, doesn't charge me a fee and has a larger display. I don't know what others have experienced but just tracking a route on Google maps on my phone has been known to kill the battery alarmingly fast. That's not to mention trying to find a way to dock the phone while you're in the car so you can occasionally look at the map.
  9. Careful with Plitron, Marc. If I remember right they aren't exactly known for putting out the rated voltage under load. I think Justin used to have to dance around quite a bit and overspec them in order to get the desired voltage. That's not a game that I would want to play.
  10. Thanks guys and gals, it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to get it finished up. And Shelly, that's just a piece of the lawn. The swingset is just off the back porch and most of what you're seeing in that image is actually my neighbors back yard. This should explain better.
  11. Start of the day yesterday the back yard contained a swing set and a small slide. A little while later we had the first main frame up. At the end of day one we had both platforms built. This morning I got to sleep in a bit and when Lily and Mom headed out for swim lessons I built some framing members for the roof. My dad arrived around noon to get busy making the clubhouse done enough to allow kids to play in it next weekend. At the end of the day we had it looking pretty good. I need to build a new ladder that's more kid friendly and work on some other details but I'm really happy with how much we got done.
  12. It's highly likely that the ECD-1 has dedicated output stages for both the SE and XLR outputs so I can't imagine that this will be a problem. Some crazy purist will probably tell you that it isn't the best thing to do to load both at the same time but my bet is that you'll be fine and suffer no sonic consequences.
  13. Yesterday evening: tore apart the dash in my car to install a new head unit. Went surprsingly well, I guess I've finally gotten to the point where wiring things other than headphone amplifiers is something within my skill set. Today: woke up with Lily at 7, got started on the clubhouse with grandpa at 9:30, despite somewhat crappy weather we made good progress and should have it 90% done tomorrow. I'll post a few pics tomorrow.
  14. I has a sad for Stretch.
  15. Push hard, Haj. Who is the insurer? Just curious because most of them that I've dealt with have been pretty ok when dealing with accidents where I was not at fault.
  16. n_maher

    Audeze LCD-2

    And just for you Gary...
  17. n_maher

    Audeze LCD-2

    Hopefully Tyll doesn't care...
  18. n_maher

    Audeze LCD-2

    Not for distribution.... edit, replaced image...
  19. Maybe team 307A will make the trip.
  20. I'm speaking out of turn and should stop. Kevin is the only one that knows for sure what has been ordered and sold.
  21. Marc, I think the original plan was for 19 board sets and 19 sets of cases, Kevin posted those numbers again recently. [edit]You really should talk with Kerry about this.
  22. 112' of composite decking [6] PT 2x6's [4] PT 2x4's [6] PT 4x4's Misc hardware and fasteners Building Lily a clubhouse this weekend with Grandpa.
  23. Glad to hear you found a workaround but if you run into anything else like that feel free to shoot me a PM.
  24. What Dan said. I've have accounts with FedEx and USPS, never bothered with UPS though I'm sure it's just as easy.
  25. I'm sure one of us can help you with that and then re-ship it to you as a "gift".
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