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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher


    That Kindle deal is really tempting but I find myself transitioning more to audiobooks than ebooks.
  2. AppleInsider | Apple sued over iPhone 4 reception issues Maybe you should get in on this Mike.
  3. Not that it'll make you feel any better Billy but the reports of less than stellar performance of the proximity sensor are becoming more common.
  4. Sounds like the proximity sensor is beeeleee proof.
  5. I looked at some sample galleries, I shall now begin the pinching of pennies.
  6. Went a bit nuts and had 2-axis DRO installed on the new mill which should finally be shipping by the end of the week and arrive mid next week. Color me psyched. Peter, aw crap, that Sigma 8-16 looks sick.
  7. Thanks Tom, I'll do some more hunting during lunch. My experience with PCX and Hammond items is that a lot of the time once you place your order they place an order with Hammond and it delays shipment a few days. Not a big deal, but for most of those items I think it's rare that they actually have stock. I've experienced the same thing with Angela as well.
  8. It would appear that Radiodaze is the only place in the states that has the choke, or at least lists the choke on their site. I suppose I'll just go the cheap/simple route to start and go from there.
  9. I mean if they yank it off streaming and finding it proves annoying. I've had good luck with Netflix/PS3 although I'm still consistently disappointed with the lack of offerings, especially in HD.
  10. Indeed. I'm going to at least go check out the Droid X in a couple of weeks and see how big it feels in hand. I have the otterbox on my 3G and if published info for the X is correct it'll be essentially the same size. A bit narrower than the case (1/4"), a bit longer than the case (1/8") and considerably thinner. But it'll also be almost all effing screen, which could be epic.
  11. So performing the double hard reset has brought my 3G back to "tolerable". We'll see how long it lasts since all reports basically have this fix as merely helping the phone clear up space and temporary files.
  12. If you get stuck, let me know, we have ways...
  13. How are you watching Netflix streaming stuff? PS3?
  14. GENUINE LIGNUM VITAE Wood Turning Spindle Blank Lathe - eBay (item 190409818674 end time Jun-30-10 17:55:49 PDT) You might be able to work around the heart check.
  15. I would never want patrick to have my address.
  16. I'm sitting at my desk and my coworkers all think I'm nuts because I'm laughing my ass off.
  17. 1. The Nikon 10-24 is a half to full stop slower, however the 12-24 DX is a fixed f/4 (vs. 2. but just as spendy and loses mm on the low end. 2. It's more like $300 comparing apples to apples (new to new, non gray market). 3. $300 is not an insignificant figure in my photo life. 4. Telling the wife I just bought a $900 lens is not an option, period. Bottom line, if either would get within a sniff of $400 I'd hit it so fast it wouldn't know what happened. Yes Jacob, prices are definitely inconvenient.
  18. Sorry, if you're going to name your company shit you'd best be prepared for this type of treatment.
  19. I also wouldn't mind finding a used Tokina 12-24 f/4 but I've never seen one at a price point that I'd buy.
  20. Seems apt to me, in the HF sense. A used DIY M
  21. This is my one "want" lens right now. Haven't found a way to justify it, yet, but I'll come up with something.
  22. The admin thing must be recent as well, hadn't noticed it at least until it was pointed out.
  23. The early years are outstanding, in my opinion of course.
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