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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Joy, I wonder if it'll make my phone even slower or erase it entirely again. [/pissedoffrant]
  2. Who sent you that PM?
  3. Fitz, point out the mistake to Mouser, they'll likely send you the right switch without having to ask.
  4. After work today - several used parts for the new mill. More recently - 2 tickets to Saturday night's Red Sox game.
  5. I does provided you remember all of the apps you've already paid for. The missing link is often remembering and then finding the same app.
  6. Gary, Rule #1: no deadlines. Rule #2: no deadlines. Rule #3: they will pay what you ask to be paid or they can pound sand/ find some other sucker.
  7. Can't believe I didn't think of this before. Jin, if you haven't check out Jenny Owen Youngs, Transmitter Failure. I the cover art and the album.
  8. n_maher


    If you're really looking Haj, try this guy. Kindle Electronic Reading Device
  9. Shelly, Try a hard reset of the ipad, press and hold the power and home buttons for 10 seconds or so until the apple logo appears.
  10. I'm going to try to place an order today.
  11. You've basically ended up where I was a few years back. Customers suck.
  12. Vicki, sorry to hear about your ankle and hopefully someone smart comes up with an option 4.
  13. I listened to an RF engineer speak about this last week. Short version - thin layers are going to have a negligible affect on signal attenuation, at least according to someone whose life's work centered around this very thing (antenna design). His stance was that something at least as thick as Apple's bumper case was going to be necessary to get the job done.
  14. Since I spent a grand total of 3 days as a resident that's certainly understandable.
  15. As a native son I shall smite you with my moonshine and shotgun.
  16. I think that if you are in a well covered area you are unlikely to see any drop in performance with the '4' by holding it wrong. But if you're in a marginal signal area the attenuation caused by your hand has the potential to be significant. The funny thing is that Apple's OS update to correct the # of bars displayed may actually make the signal attenuation more noticeable (in the graphical sense). Right now, given the 50dB spread that Apple's 5th bar represents and anandtech's measured ~25dB drop with the wrong grip as long as you have less than 25dB signal loss you will never see the additional signal attenuation reflected on the phone's graph. If you had a numeric reading of signal strength instead bars you'd probably see something, although it's probably the case that you're simply well-enough covered in NYC to have it not matter.
  17. n_maher

    slow forum

    I miss Phil Hartman.
  18. My thought would be that what issues do crop up for the 3GS are likely to be able to be solved via updates to the. The 3G issues are essentially terminal, the issues with the iPhone all appear to be mostly solved if you submit to using a case.
  19. n_maher

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Zero chance I'll be there, have fun folks.
  20. Thanks everyone. And Grahame, ultimately the fear of the unknown actually provided motivation to make the change. Not doing something simply because one is afraid of upsetting the cart is a good way to go through life very bored.
  21. Thanks Haj, and yes, this is all the change I can handle for a while.
  22. What isn't obvious is that it was sagged a good 4" at the middle and was generally a piece of crap.
  23. Thanks Steve, as usual my dad deserves a bunch of the credit. In other news I gave my 2 weeks notice at my job today. I was approached earlier in the spring and asked to interview for a position and finally received the formal offer letter late last week. It has been a nerve wracking and somewhat gut wrenching experience, to say the least. But the new position has the potential to be a very good career move and offers far more opportunities not to mention better benefits. Still feels like I just stepped off a cliff though, having been at my current job just shy of 11 years...
  24. I'm certainly not going to buy a phone that I'm not comfortable with and I'll do some more research on the Samsung. I have to wonder if the recent surge in iPhone 4's isn't to blame for part of what I'm seeing. Take an overloaded network, add more traffic and couple it with a horrible OS release, the results can't be good. AT&T's network up here has always been the weak link, a fact that has been borne out through actual testing (NE rates as AT&T's slowest network area) and is probably at the core of my dissatisfaction prior to the os4 debacle. ios4 will probably be the nail in the coffin.
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