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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I am not at liberty to discuss the validity of that statement.
  2. Waterproof tactical field notebook.
  3. 6 players on my roster are questionable for this week. FML x 6.
  4. Agreed, I had to use small needle-nose pliers to get the job done I didn't listen much before final assembly and what little I did do was non-critical to be sure. What I can say is that I'm not hearing any glaring faults so far, which is to say that I like it quite a bit. I need more time and I'm getting used to a new source concurrently so my listening impressions are going to be pretty limited in specificity.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Im guessing they got hit hard by all the folks too lazy to get the disc. Hopefully it's back up tonight.
  7. I did. It worked once and then stopped working for the rest of the night.
  8. I am about to have a week were none of my WR or RB's score more than 3 points unless MJD has a heck of a second half. FML
  9. A final few parting shots, since I'm now done with this project. Overall - for what it's worth the exposed surfaces all were finished by brushing with 0000 steel wool (the mini-flexi is my new monitor stand for work) Bottom - after the second go at counter sinking the panel is now flush. The dark line you're seeing is actually the concavity of the bottom of the chassis. I actually had to countersink the knob too, since there's so much exposed threaded shaft from the pot. Innards - hopefully I have this setup correctly for resistor bias (please correct me if I don't) Minor Quibble - in the final version you guys need to find a way to make it so that builders don't have to trim the heatsink Otherwise I think that Doug has done a great job with the design of this amp. I'm enjoying it right now as I type this.
  10. Easily one of my favorite movies.
  11. My condolences, Shelly, it looks like you guys gave him a great life.
  12. Yup, ESPN convinced me to bench Maclin, who promptly scored 31. :gasface:
  13. Worst Week Ever I may have to resign.
  14. Oh, I definitely wouldn't be counting on either the adhesive or a threaded portion of plastic. I'd definitely through bolt with lock nuts for the proposed application.
  15. I made a homer mistake by playing Brady and my running back core is god-awful.
  16. I think with one on both side of the cap at at least two locations along the length of the cap they could make a very good hold down system. Horizontal cap clamps are few and far between in my experience.
  17. I expect to lose to Brent this week, despite the fact that he played a player on the bye.
  18. Yup, for wire bundles it'd work, but I'm thinking more of big motor run oil or film applications.
  19. So as I mentioned before I was having some fit issues with the overall build. The result of that was that the bottom of the front panel looked like this. That was unacceptable in my book and I wanted to see if I could at least make it better if not go away entirely. The solution, countersink the back of the front panel to allow the body of the pot to nest into it. So I mounted the panel in the vise on the mill, measured the pot body (just over 1/2" in diameter for the part that was binding on the front panel) and selected a 5/8" diameter end mill. Unfortunately I wasn't able to completely cure the problem, the countersink would have been uncomfortably deep, so I decided to go with roughly half the panel depth as my max and see how it worked. The gap on the bottom is now less than half of what it was and is something I can live with. Moreover it was a proof of concept of something that I'd be wanting to try ever since I got the mill, namely that even after drilling and unmounting a panel I can remount, recenter and counter bore with good accuracy. This will be a nice bullet to have in the gun for future use. [edit] Decided that I was being too much of a kitty cat and counter sunk the pot into the panel a bit more, fit is now really good. I also found two 1/4" male/female standoffs in the parts bin which work perfectly for supporting the pcb around the tubes so those went in too. Now I just have to solder in the two 221ohm resistors to lower the CCS resistor and I'll be done.
  20. Happy Birthday guys!
  21. Is that cover completely sealed? If so, that's a bad idea in my opinion.
  22. Variable AC Output Transformer MAX.20A (Metered Variac) - eBay (item 120631655275 end time Nov-07-10 14:34:08 PST)
  23. Thanks for that advice Marc, I actually need to pick some of these up.
  24. I'm not sure I would trust a threaded part like that given how thin they are. But you could always just tap the holes that are there for the next larger screw. I'm guessing that they'd accept a 6-32 tap, but it depends on the model as some I've seen have already had holes that large.
  25. Excellent, Boo, glad to hear you had/are having a good day.
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