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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher

    Audeze LCD-2

    For now...
  2. Awesome, pretty sure that I just lost to the worst team in the league.
  3. Definitely not doing it myself, anything that can cause leaks I pin on someone else. And I use a semi-local small contractor whose wife works with my wife. He did 8 for us 2 years ago (phase I) and they came out well so now it's time for phase II which will replace the remaining 8 junk windows that came with the house.
  4. I was >< that close to benching Brady this week. Garrard goes off for 40, Brady has 3 at the half. Sweet Jebus.
  5. Painted trim for the 8 windows that are getting replaced this week. I can't wait as I sit here and type and can literally feel the wind blowing through one of the old windows.
  6. God my team just sucks so effing bad.
  7. I applaud your color-coordinatedness.
  8. That is some serious carnage, best of luck with the repair!
  9. n_maher

    Battlestar Galactica

    Agree 100%. Sad about Caprica though, they didn't give it much of a chance.
  10. You acted like an ass, the fact that you don't see it isn't exactly encouraging.
  11. Another alternative would be for Region2 to STFU unless he would like to find himself curb side watching the bus go by.
  12. Todd, From a mod's perspective the "Prototypers Wanted" thread is screwed up, I think because of a deleted spam post which is currently the last post in the thread although it appears to have been permanently deleted.
  13. Damnit, I'm traveling for work in early December which pretty much rules out a quick strike assault on Florida.
  14. Yes, you must, you only crushed my by 40. Had you started the correct lineup it might not have been close.
  15. n_maher

    Top Gear

    Still pretty entertaining.
  16. This. Shelly could bench her team and still win.
  17. Run, Mike, run!
  18. In all seriousness, what makes it more capable than your average 10" netbook at 4x the price? I understand the OS is better, but my Hackintosh for $300 seems like the far better mobile platform. I looked and the little Lenovo that GE is selling here is one of the simplest to put OSX on so if I were in your shoes I'd spend $200 on that, throw OSX on it and see what you think. It'd save you ~$800.
  19. My thinking was that just about any wallwart Dinny is likely to find laying around won't be regulated or exactly 2.1A. So odds are good that any 6V unit is probably pushing over 7V already and I'd rather undershoot than overshoot. If it's a simple LDO on the inside the worst case by feeding it too little voltage is that you get poor to no regulation and perhaps low voltage at the output, right? The consequences of too much V on the input seem much worse (burnout).
  20. I'd probably try a 6V unit before I tried a 9V one.
  21. The first time was much worse than this one, thankfully my glove deflected part of the force this time so I didn't go that deep. It'll still be a nice scar. Sounds like your office mate hit a tendon, which can be really bad if not diagnosed properly. Hopefully she gets some good news or better advise before she lands on an operating table with months of rehab to look forward to.
  22. Happy Birthday, Marc!
  23. Dang, I wonder if you could easily disassemble them and get the aluminum parts anodized black?
  24. Built a shelf in the shed to help with winter storage. Cut my left index finger with a hack saw (again) although this time it won't require stitches. Good luck with race, Mike. Al, shouldn't you be tube shopping?
  25. n_maher


    Because the eventual winner has no clue about what went on. I'd report the a-hole to Ebay, not that his behavior makes any sense. Why would he not want people bidding multiple times??!?
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