I don't blame the economy, really, for the situation that Headroom is faced with. The primary investor decided to take the company in a different direction which was in direct conflict with the way that Tyll liked to do business and run the company. Is it a wrong direction, heck I don't know, but it's decidedly different from how things were run up until about 2-1/2 years ago. So the resentment/distrust/dislike that some might be feeling might be related to that, if I had to offer my opinion. Headroom used to be a home-grown, mostly family run business with a specific interest in both catering to the highest of the highend headphone listener but also, designing and manufacturing their own gear. Now I'll give you that Tyll may already have been starting down a road away from the in-house stuff but I can tell you for damn sure that he wasn't going to pull a Meier and farm the whole works out to overseas cheap labor and manufacturing. Headroom also now appears more intent on being a headphone specific Amazon, a game that I think they'll find almost impossible. I don't wish Headroom any ill will but I also won't pay a premium to shop there anymore.