If storage capacity is needed both of you should take a long look at the hybrid drives that Marc posted about in the Macce thread. I've got one in my laptop now and it's working well.
I wouldn't bother with an enclosure, I just use one of these:
Newegg.com - Computer Parts, PC Components, Laptop Computers, LED LCD TV, Digital Cameras and more!
You may be able to find it cheaper by a few bucks or of if time is not of the essence I could simply send you mine to use for a little while.
It's going to be near 150 after you get impressions taken and pay shipping (one or both ways).
The good news is that my custom glued tips worked well on the trip, I would have gone insane without them. The red-eye back from LA had not one but two crying kids and I wasn't able to sleep more than a couple hours so it would have been unbearable without serious isolation and tunes.
I'll shoot out a couple of PMs tonight in response to the very kind offers made in this thread. I really appreciate it guys, thanks.
A bit of both I'm sure. I've had a wheel for 3 or 4 years now and there are some tracks that are almost impossible without it.
Sounds like you're having some fun Stretch, which is good to hear. I can only hoe the track means the exstata will be vetting fired up soon?