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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Jacob - shit, that about covers it.
  2. Sad news, Steve, I'm glad you got 92 years with him.
  3. Anyone have any good 68uF/600ish PS caps laying around? I'd be happy to offer two nice motor-run film caps in exchange since I finally worked out today that I'm simply not going to be able to do everything that I'd hoped to do with a particular project. If no one has any suggestions are welcome.
  4. My team is deciding to finish strong, despite it not meaning a damn thing.
  5. Worked on a clock for my office, pics to follow after the poly dries.
  6. Sony is pretty much it unless you can find a modded one.
  7. I also need to order a few resistors, if I can get my act together...
  8. It also may be true that in order to get a laptop to do dual monitor support it has to be used with a dock. My M17 has several output options but I don't know if they can be used simultaneously despite having two video cards.
  9. I can help with the dxf if you can wait a few days.
  10. Have a look at alienware, if you can get past some of the bling they are well built IME.
  11. Is weight a big consideration?
  12. I don't see anyway this won't be a huge pain in the ass. The only good way to do it is inside the cup which means you're going to have to keep it very small (like the Senn connector on the 800s) and those things are a whore to work with in my opinion. I'd tell those folks to get over the cable nonsense.
  13. n_maher

    X-box or PS3?

    I love my PS3, it's a great multi-media PC and occasional gaming system and excellent BR player.
  14. Happy Birthday, Todd!
  15. I am a smart man and made sure to book a hotel with a Starbucks in the lobby and packed my own bottle of Gentleman Jack. Not that 'bucks is good coffee, but better than many traveling alternatives.
  16. Unfortunately not, there's the occasional in-class assignment (workshop) and a site visit to a local facility.
  17. Just barely, Haj, just a few flakes a minute. And it's 5 days worth of slides @ 8hrs a day with a few snooze-worthy videos thrown in.
  18. Nice, Mike. I'm watching flurries outside right now as I prep to depart tonight for another week of training for work. This time in (not-so-scenic) southern Connecticut for a class that has been best described as death by power point. I can't wait.
  19. 100% concurrence. I would not half-ass anything involved with this project.
  20. She's a brutal taskmaster. That said, recabling the 701s is a bit of PITA. Removing the metal screen without damaging the headphones can be tricky but if you can manage that the rest is easy. You do need to trace colored wires to the plug since AKG is fond of not using a standard. If I was asked to make a recommendation I'd get something like cardas or mogami mini quad cable, strip the rubber cover, the copper braided shield and resheath it in nylon multifilament and terminate as desired. And Dusty's right, I'm pretty much retired at this point and not building anything.
  21. [4] of these for the Highlander.
  22. Dual boot? I used to do it all the time with my macbook for win-only programs. Otherwise, a cheap little netbook or something like that might be a reasonable option.
  23. Happy Birthday, Gene! Like Mike I will be forced to have a drink in your honor tonight and toast to your good health.
  24. You still got to spank me, Boo, isn't that worth something.
  25. Happy Birthday, Haj!
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