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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Nice, Ari!
  2. Happy Christmas Head-Case.
  3. Happy Birthday Ken!
  4. n_maher

    Grado again

    If you want to have a private conversation about something that no one else gives a shit about use a PM.
  5. The 3G/S certainly look dated now, by comparison with many competitors. But I'd argue that they wasted a ton of $$ on the 4 screen. Yes, it is nice, but the screen on my X by virtue of size and a still high pixel density is a much richer overall experience. There's no sense of pixelation or loss of resolution unless you're holding the phone 6" from your nose, which is indicative of far bigger problems for the user. In truth I'd prefer a slightly smaller screen that I currently have, perhaps just larger than the Droid Incredible's, but I'm 95% fine with the X size-wise.
  6. Hmmm, perhaps not all hope is lost... I'll certainly update this thread when the new tips arrive from Etymotic.
  7. Jacob, Given the season, take this one to heart, be very careful around frost, snow or more importantly damp/wet smooth floors at the entrance to buildings. Crashing on crutches hurts.
  8. Wiring up a relay really isn't much work, but it's likely to land you with a $20 to $30 switching arrangement.
  9. Yup, I have high hopes. Given what Moto has been able to do with the Droid it is reasonable to expect that they can make both a compelling and capable device to compete with the iPad. And of course their promotional material is going to be over the top with regards to the industry leader/standard. All I know is that so far my Droid X is a far better phone and certainly the equal as an entertainment device compared to my iPhone. Granted, I didn't have the iPhone 4 but there's a least a chance that Moto's offering will be something that interests a lot of folks.
  10. I'd caution against using a latching switch like the one that you are describing in this application unless it is simply switching a relay. The only switches of that type that I have seen are all rated less than .25A, which is not likely to be sufficient at idle not to mention startup.
  11. Al, Kerry should have the parts soon. PM incoming... Kerry, You should have the parts soon. I've got a 40lb or so box with your name on it and and email that will be sent shortly. N
  12. Rest up Reks, having been through 4 surgeries on lower extremities I can relate. Me, I finished up Xmas shopping in surprisingly light holiday traffic. Going to bake some cookies with Lily later on and I'll bear in mind my salted friend's lesson of the day.
  13. I hope they are at least sending her to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison and not some cupcake resort/hotel BS.
  14. Holy shit, Tyll is like half the man he used to be!
  15. You might check with Asr to see if he still has his which I think was listed FS here last week (or so).
  16. You = wrong The 421a is just a 5998, the only difference that some have found is that the 421a may have been the pick of the litter of 5998s, i.e. less likely to be noisy or microphonic. But from a structural perspective they are built the same as far as I know.
  17. Speaking of snow I spent the afternoon (so far) taking the mower off of the tractor and installing the snow blower and tire chains.
  18. I miss Stretch.
  19. CJ, (or anyone else for that matter) You might shoot en480c4 a message, last I knew he had ordered a similar Ipad case for a Xmas gift and then found out that the folks who were going to buy the iPad as the primary gift bailed, leaving him with a very nice case to do nothing with.
  20. N*O*I*C*E!!!
  21. Not true in New England, at least the pay part. Job security in a school system is tough these days, public or private, around here they're all hurting and cutting positions.
  22. I looked at a few g-shock models the other day, none of them spoke to me enough to buy one. I'm not saying I won't end up there, but I just want to explore options if they exist.
  23. Ok watch folks, my dad has tasked me with finding him a new digital watch. His want-list goes like this, "You know, not a $5 Timex". Otherwise I've been given nothing. I've added that it should be something that wouldn't look completely awkward on a 60+ year old guy which precludes a lot of the available affordable ($100ish) options so I'm looking for help.
  24. I wonder why they won't support it, as far as I know you can reformat them and leave off 99% of the alienware software (to control the lights and junk) and it'll run like any other laptop. Actually, it'll run quite a bit better since it has real hardware under the hood and not just a bunch of chips soldered to a motherboard all sharing RAM.
  25. Mike, If you want modded HF1s let me know...
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