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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Me too. I'd love to try replacing my hackintosh with something like this.
  2. Allegedly not very much, they're often compared to the vibram 5 fingers shoes or sandals.
  3. I don't rock your average snow blower. But yes, it does have an upper limit of about 16". I went out anyway and the snow has already tapered off so the driveway is pretty clear, for now.
  4. I needed some around-the-office shoes and these seemed like a fun alternative to traditional shoes. Bonus points for it being pre-boo approved, it's a vegan friendly shoe.
  5. Just got ready to go blow the 12" or so of snow off the driveway since it hadn't snowed since about 2pm. I got downstairs and it started snowing, hard. Eff me.
  6. I have yet to find this to be an issue and I much prefer a reliable network to one that'll allow me to drop multiple services at the same time.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. We got about 8" yesterday (round 1) so I cleared the driveway last night when I got home. It's snowing at a pretty good clip again now and projected to snow all day like this and perhaps get even heavier. I'll be surprised if we get more than a foot today but that on top of the 3' or so we've gotten in the last few weeks will be pretty brutal to deal with. I'm just hoping we avoid the epic winds that others are describing.
  9. I would crack every faucet you can, any closed pipe will have very little circulation otherwise. Not knowing anything about how your house is plumbed leaves me with not much to offer in the way of better advice, sorry.
  10. Shelly, If you're really worried about pipes freezing (I haven't kept up with this thread) you could leave the water running just a little bit overnight. Moving water doesn't tend to freeze, this is an old camp trick when things get cold in the fall before you've shut everything up for the winter. Yes, it's a complete waste of water but a ruptured pipe could waste a whole lot more.
  11. Yup, we're schedules to get 20 to 30" over the next two days. I'll believe it when I see it but the tractor is gassed up and ready to go.
  12. n_maher

    Top Gear

    I also found a program to split large mp4s to make them ps3 friendly.
  13. n_maher

    Top Gear

    Same. It's mostly been fine but the last transcode that I did had audio issues mid-way through which truly sucked to find while trying to watch the show. I can do a 720p mkv to mp4 trans in about 2 hours or so, which is just too damn slow even if it is reasonable. Finally today I tracked down the right software to do what Jacob suggested which is to simply unpack the mkv to mp4 without altering the video stream. Even if I have to change the audio stream this seems to take less than 10 minutes for a 2hr movie which is just awesome. No more crappy DVD-sized rips of Top Gear for me!
  14. TurboTax Deluxe - should make for a fun afternoon.
  15. The finger definitely appears to be getting better. I'm completely off pain meds, the only residual suck is the twice daily hydrogen peroxide baths to try and root out the lingering infection. I have another appointment Monday so hopefully that'll bring more good news.
  16. Very cool, Brent.
  17. That's great news on the job front, Todd.
  18. I'm man enough to admit that I came pretty close to doing so when they did the procedure and again today during the poking and prodding phase (no numbing agent for this???). My doc had the balls to say, "you're pretty sensitive." I felt like smacking him and saying, "No, two days ago you yanked my nail off and today you're literally poking the wound with a stick. WTF do you expect me to do, smile?" I'd post a picture except when this is all over I want to purge all memory of it.
  19. I discovered the worst use of a shot glass ever - hydrogen peroxide bath for still infected finger. Imagine 100 tiny needles attacking the tip of your finger for 10 minutes, that's about right. Good news is that the pain level today hasn't required the use of oxycodone or anything so far, the only lingering pain is from the persistent infection which will hopefully clear up over the weekend or more aggressive treatment may be required.
  20. Sweet! I often casually shop used Doxa's on WUS but haven't found one that I like at the right price.
  21. Good news, Ken. I find out tomorrow if they got all of the infection out so here's to hoping that more exploration isn't required.
  22. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  23. It will not rank as one of my favorite days.
  24. n_maher

    Top Gear

    I don't really want another device/remote/thing.
  25. I would guess yes since it's much harder (so far) to track new posts/threads. I find the new content to vary from device to device.
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