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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I have been using the prototype(?) tips that Ety sent me at the end of last year. They have been working well and lasting appropriately. They look very similar to some older tips that a few folks here sent me so my guess is that contrary to what their email said they simply went back to the old design or had a bad batch from a faulty manufacturer. I've been meaning to email them some feedback but it keeps slipping off the radar.
  2. Yes, the replacement tips are a huge improvement.
  3. Cheddar cheese soup.
  4. Lenovo's epp program coupled with the 5% additional coupon (thru tomorrow) and free shipping right now pushed me over the edge. I'll self-upgrade it to 4GB of RAM and maybe a hybrid drive which should make it a very capable little machine.
  5. Lenovo x120e to replace the soon-to-be departing Hackintosh.
  6. I might actually have to look into this...
  7. 2x
  8. Do me a favor mike don't list any of them for sale here please. The new arrival is gorgeous.
  9. Thanks everyone. I didn't realize this thread was even here until 5 minutes ago, suffice it to say that it was a great surprise and proof once again of how fantastic a little place we've got here.
  10. That would certainly be ok by me! Edit - or the Doxa...
  11. Nice. I have wanted a wide angle zoom lens for years.
  12. The lack of ram specification is pretty weird, I can't understand why that was left out unless for some unfathomable reason they left it at 256.
  13. As a core all black wearer I disagree with your statement. It's a dead sexy watch.
  14. That'd be the one I'd keep.
  15. Go Reks!
  16. I'm going to try but it's tough timing with my wife potentially traveling around then as well.
  17. Happy Birthday Naaman!
  18. Referbished models that I saw in the store yesterday seem like a pretty good deal.
  19. Happy birthday, Dan.
  20. Well done, Al. Me: Mountain Hardware Alchemy softshell jacket - bought last week, arrived today, in mostly dusty-approved configuration.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Worked a meager 8hrs today to finish up the 5 day week at 55 hours. Excellent timing for a 3 day weekend.
  23. Happy Birthday Colin!
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