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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Happy Birthday guys!!!
  2. Sorry to hear about your friend passing, Ken. I didn't get to raise a glass last night, I'll make up for that tonight.
  3. it sounds like you did everything that you could, the rest as they say is in someone else's hands. I'll be rooting for you.
  4. It's threads like this that really make me miss the smiley gallery that I'd assembled on the old software...
  5. I went with the 6 cell, the bump doesn't bother me at all. I may order a 3-cell for backup but not right away. And I agree, price/performance wise it's a great option (from what I've read).
  6. Nice! Mine is scheduled to ship sometime this week.
  7. I went into work late and somehow still managed to put in 11 hours today. The next few months are going to be very ugly.
  8. I'm not going to make it.
  9. Jacob, If I could give a piece of advice, which is probably obvious but worth mentioning and based on my own recent experience and that of friends in similar situations where interviewing as a "known quantity". Don't act like it's a formality, even if it is. I had a friend who went into a very similar interview situation, treated it just a bit too casually and as a consequence wasn't taken seriously and got passed over. Be sincere, straightforward and confident and I think things will turn out well for you.
  10. Yeah, I pay for 30 (no choice) and it generally fluctuates between 20 and 30 in real world downloading. I'd have a hard time going back.
  11. It's kind of BS, I don't get sustained speeds that high. I think Comcast has tweaked their bandwidth to show grossly over-rated speeds when checked by utilities like speedtest. I think in the really real world I get about half that, after a forced upgrade when I renewed my service this year.
  12. Sounds like Sony is also in a world of hurt along with a few others. http://www.channelnews.com.au/Hardware/Industry/P4L9C8M3 Glad to see that you're ok Amos.
  13. Yup, I've started seeing CL adds in the mid 500's for 64GB 3G 1st gen models. I might seriously think about a 32GB wifi model for $300...
  14. Funny that my upload speed is so much worse that Young's.
  15. My problems with them were limited to the fact that I thought they sounded best when driven at levels that I wasn't comfortable listening at. At "reasonable" levels I liked other cans better. They also do take some juice to drive well.
  16. Remember, that in order to crap in an Apple thread you must first submit the idea for approval. Then you'll have to use a physical cable to attach yourself to the thread in order to process any sort of update, because, you know, like wifi and 3g are unreliable...
  17. Did you somehow expect anything less from the rabid horde?
  18. Happy Birthday!!! I still owe you a present, and haven't forgotten.
  19. That was the longest post about nothing I've ever not read.
  20. Mike, I'm glad you shared, no sense going it alone. I'll be hoping for the best for you and your family. And thanks for the sympathy guys.
  21. I had what I hope will be the saddest day for a long, long time. Today I attended the wake for Zachary, the little boy that I raffled the Ventus amp for last fall. He had a relapse of leukemia symptoms 3 weeks ago and died last Sunday as a result of complications from the disease. He was only 6 and had battled with leukemia for 4 years through his initial diagnosis, remission, relapse, a bone marrow transplant, remission again only to relapse again. There is something so painful and indescribably sad about things like this that words can never capture and as the father of a young child I simply can't imagine it.
  22. IIRC he already owns the Krell, which is why he mentioned it. Marc, Looking forward to seeing the results. I'm retooling multiple rigs right now which is mostly a function of downsizing and a reduction in the amount of space that I'm allowed. In 4 to 6 weeks I should have a new integrated amp.
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