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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. It's 10:55 and I'm still working. Not cool.
  2. 1. Congrats 2. Saçmalık! But seriously, sounds interesting if a bit reclusive.
  3. Happy Birthday!!
  4. Just picked that up as well.
  5. Nice! I'm hoping to grab a copy on the way home today.
  6. A very happy birthday to you, Doug.
  7. Hmm, wouldn't have guessed that based on the way the foam looks in the black box... Either way, my edit is the meat of what I had to say, I don't see one or the other providing a substantially different travel environment or anything approaching a lack of safety. Also, the idea that Jeff has watches that he needs to protect more than these is, well, .
  8. They're watches, and presumably Jeff is going to (and already has) worn them without an inch of foam plus a ballistic plastic hell on his wrist. There would have to be a pretty major fuckup to cause a watch harm in the smaller case, like say an encounter with a 5lb sledge. [edit] Check that, the top cover looks like it's the same on both cases, so in my book they both provide the same level of safety.
  9. I'm still trying to figure out why he bought a cane from his wife for his birthday.
  10. Not the first time SumR has sent an incorrect data sheet. They've done it to me before too.
  11. Some aluminum from FPE for what will be the last time for a long time.
  12. Glad to hear that she's on the mend, Al!
  13. Got up at 5am to help my wife get ready to head to the airport (she's in Chicago for the weekend). Got Lily up, took her to daycare, went to work, picked Lily up from daycare, had dinner, got Lily ready for bed, now sitting down to relax for a bit. Here's to hoping for a fun daddy-daughter weekend.
  14. If sprint is like verizon then the evo will be near it's end of life right now. I would recommend doing some research on what phones might be coming out in the near future for sending brent a message.
  15. Woot!
  16. Liberty installed, important apps restored, contacts resynced, all in under a half hour with no fuss, no muss. It's like getting a new phone. It runs so much better without the moto-bloat and makes me sad that I waited this long to do something about it. Thanks for the help and for the Fancy Widgets rec, I owe you one!
  17. Thanks, my phone was already setup to sync everything with Google.
  18. Yeah, like an internal short in the board...
  19. I've got the phone rooted and backed up so I may have a go at Liberty tonight.
  20. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way, robot-buddy.
  21. I somehow feel that these would represent a better value compared to R10s...
  22. Can you provide a link for a newb on this whole business of loading ROMs and rooting phones?
  23. I would like to ditch blur so I'll be watching this with interest.
  24. n_maher


    http://mobile.buy.com/ibuy/ProductDetail.aspx?loc=64934&sellerid=15596522&sku=217631708 Mostly Dusty approved.
  25. We don't care if you link to head-fi.
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