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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. As did I, happy belated!
  2. Better luck to both of you. Me - about to start Lily's 3rd birthday party.
  3. Just had a rather large margarita and am now feeling pleasantly numb. Now if I could just get more than 4hrs of sleep tonight I'd be in heaven.
  4. teefury.com - seemed appropriate for this thread today.
  5. I'd go but the only travel that I'll be doing for the next year or so will be for work.
  6. Based on what I'm looking at right now the eee pad transformer might be worth a look, the screen is awesome. )
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. I had both kids home alone this afternoon while my wife went to the movies. Everything went and continues to go pretty well. Just having dinner with Lily right now while Andrew is asleep in his pack and play.
  9. I would think that a 7" tablet would be the way to go and there's slim pickings in that range right now. I also wonder if there's a tablet out there that has a screen that would function very well in direct sunlight applications. It also strikes me as pretty extreme to think about using a tablet as a GPS device unless it's more of a mapping device for route planning rather than route following. One more random thought - in order for any GPS to be useful it has to either carry all of its maps on board or have a data connection. Google maps only offers the option of download on demand (no real local map storage) and therefore requires a data connection to generate a route. You can, if you think of it ahead of time, plan a route and allow it to download the necessary maps before breaking the data connection (in the case of a wifi-only tablet) but otherwise your friend would need to be looking at a tablet with a built in 3G or otherwise modem which is going to make it a pretty expensive GPS. And Ken, the software requirement is simply listed there to show that if you want to attach the tablet to a computer (as a USB drive, for example) that it is compatible with all of the major OS's.
  10. Woops, missed the whole wedding news, congrats dbk.
  11. Congrats Ken and here's to hoping the house sells soon.
  12. X2 - very nice.
  13. Picked up the Roubaix from the bike shop and figured the only appropriate thing would be to ride it the 6 miles home. I think I'm going to like this bike.
  14. Glad to hear it worked out for you Dinny, it's nice to see Apply putting their above-average markup to good use.
  15. Best of luck, Bryan. Me - just chilling with the little man on the couch.
  16. Second suggestion to try the 12L's.
  17. I'll be curious to hear your thoughts on how these work out after a few weeks. I've long thought about doing this for my PS3 which is as remote from my router as can be in the house and as such, suffers a bit for network related operation.
  18. Excellent and well deserved, Al.
  19. Thanks, really it's only 10 to 15lbs but it needs to go. The bike is also about finding a way to exercise that won't lead to another knee operation! I'm pretty psyched though, I rode the Cannondale Synapse Carbon and it was very nice but the idea that the Roubaix should be just a bit more compliant pushed me to spend the little extra it took to get it. My wife was a bit nonplussed at the price. Big congrats to you. I'm 20+ years away from being able to do anything like that at a minimum, or at least it feels that way right now.
  20. Specialized Roubaix 58cm Here's to being less fat.
  21. With the cover off I'd give it at least another 24 hours of rice treatment before doing anything. Sorry to hear about jack's little adventure but glad to hear that he's okay.
  22. I realized that I forgot to update this thread last week, I blame sleep deprivation. Andrew was discharged on schedule last Thursday morning and has been keeping mom and dad on their toes for the last 4 days. So far he's a champion sleeper during the day but not so great at night. Lily seems to be adjusting pretty well to the new presence in the house and is very cute with him. I'll get off my ass some time in the next few days and post a picture or two.
  23. Great idea for a thread. One thing about where I work now that is not so great is the fact that I no longer get to seek out and track down new stuff.
  24. Congrats Mike (and son)!
  25. n_maher

    Audeze LCD-2

    Which is which, Tyll?
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