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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Happy Birthday, Jim!
  2. Excellent.
  3. I'm hopeful, Brent, but HC was a promise that never delivered and had a pretty big reason/motivation to do so. I also don't know how much I trust the two companies leading the android pack right now (moto and htc) since my experience with both is that some dude in his garage can do a better job with the OS than either of them.
  4. Congrats Chris! Stretch, holy shit.
  5. I won't get excited about an android tablet until Google fixes the software. Right now, from my experience, there's some nice hardware being let down by a half baked OS.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. 1. I'm sure the Dual can be fixed. If it wasn't such a whore to ship a TT I'd offer to do it. 2. Am structural engineer, will travel to fix rack which was probably semi-drunkenly mounted by a lawyer and new guy. 3. Big woot! To Claire on the great news.
  8. I <3 cider donuts. Our local farm makes them and coats them in cinnamon sugar for an epic win.
  9. Fix the phone, she'll be ok and learn that it's not necessary to roll through these devices like they didn't cost something in the first place.
  10. Here's to hoping that the new kitchen isn't too dowdy!
  11. Holy shit, Stretch. [looks at airfare to SA and weeps]
  12. Happy Birthday Deepak!
  13. Nice, Jim, very nice.
  14. I'm not sure I have a running back and you still would have won unless Brady scores 50 tonight. It also appears as if the steelers D got ancient overnight.
  15. As the owner of both an E350 lenovo and an iPad I can say both have their place and advantages. For a source I'd go with the lenovo, more cheap storage, easier dac connectivity, good enough battery life (6hrs), easier to load whatever you want on it and on and on. For sitting around surfing the net the iPad is great but it is very limited. Typing this on the iPad was a chore and the reason I haven't replied sooner since my wife stole the lenovo.
  16. Holy shit my team is awful...
  17. Two RBs, 5 points total between them. FML
  18. Heh, the 500 will sound twice as good at half the price compared to the current 1000.
  19. Dang... what does it accept for input file types or do you just use the attached lappy? When does the CNC router arrive?
  20. And just like that, they're dented.
  21. Sweet, Al. Fitz, epic win.
  22. Old man is feeling well enough to be feeding little man his midnight bottle. Shouldn't you be working on chassis layouts or something like that? Glad to hear the proceedure went well, Marc.
  23. Very sad news Ken. Me - stayed home from work for the second day with some sort of summer flu. Seems to be getting better so I'm hopeful I'm on the other side of it in time to enjoy the long weekend.
  24. Somehow (surely my own fault) I autodrafted a second kicker who happens to be one of the top 5 kickers available. I have no use for a reserve kicker so if you'd like to improve at that position I'll listen to offers.
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