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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. You should see if they make a cab attachment for it, otherwise buy a good balaclava, some googles and a good winter hat. There is nothing quite so awful as snow blowing into your face at 4am when it's 0 out. It is one of those situations when I simply run out of profanity.
  2. I guess Dez Bryant decided to play in the 4th quarter, he had 3 pts last I looked and now has 17. Also, if it weren't for getting a great tip on Dallas's RB situation I'd have been sunk. I guess I should say thank you to my wife...
  3. Good thing you're playing me.
  4. I'll be curious to see how big this new crop of phones feel. My droid x still doesn't small and the Prime is quite a bit bigger.
  5. Well done, Al.
  6. Happy birthday peter!
  7. Hey now! In ios5 news, I'm finding the tabbed browsing to be somewhat buggy. On many forums embedded links don't work right. They open a tab but the tab doesn't load. Anyone else?
  8. Allow me to say it again, holy shit my team sucks.
  9. Happy Birthday Boo!
  10. Please post more. Signed, Lonely in NH
  11. $2k, yikes.
  12. Yes, it makes no sense to include widgets on the device that they are most useful for... Maybe they've got another plan for the iPad, but right now it's like its an afterthought to the phone and they should have just left NC off the iPad entirely. For something that took this long to even make in onto iDevices it's embarrassing to be this half baked.
  13. I had to go to apple's website and not through the link provided in the iPad setup. Once I was able to log in on Apple's site it informed me that my account was disabled and that I needed to reactivate it. This is pretty weird since I literally downloaded an app within the last few days without issue. Reactivating the account meant having a confirmation email sent and replying to it. Not bad once Apple's site started responding again but I'm guessing that this among other things has traffic way up. Now that I've got ios5 on the iPad it hardly seems worth the effort. The notification center is nowhere near as informative or useful as Android's and is actually the worst thing (visually) I've seen Apple produce in a long time. On the iPad it's the width of the phone which just looks wrong and despite adding several apps to be included in the NC they aren't showing up and none of their information is being displayed. Maybe it works better on the phone, but so far on the iPad it's not a value add and makes the experience worse.
  14. Account finally fixed, what a mess that was. Not a good first step in the post Jobs era (for me at least).
  15. What the fuck is this? My apple ID, which has existed just fine since, I don't know, 2002 now has to be an email address and Apple is telling me that my email address is already in use by another account? WTF, I'm pretty sure that yes, it's in use by the account that I'm trying to log in with. Epic Fail, Apple. Edit - it get's better, my account has been "disabled for security reasons".
  16. At least they've updated the error message now to indicate that what is happening is that the update server is not available. Seems odd that the update server would need to much of anything after the 700MB download which I've already completed. Those seeing long wait times, mine started at 4hrs and finished in 30minutes.
  17. I can't get the farging thing to update, grrrr.
  18. 5th time started working, then crashed midway through... annoying.
  19. This.
  20. Happy Birthday, Al!
  21. Feel better Larry. Shit Wayne, sorry for your loss.
  22. Way to go Karen!
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