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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. The "TRS with floating ring" is all in how you wire the cable, no custom connector required but probably DIY only. If Shelly needs a pair of cables I could probably be coaxed out of retirement...
  2. This, if ever there was a career student it's crappy.
  3. Knuckles, keep warm and hopefully the power will be back on soon.
  4. Outstanding, Haj! I was beginning to think that a HC mission of mercy was going to be required and I was going to have to drive the new gennie down to your place.
  5. For even cheaper $ you might try a hybrid drive. They seem to be love hate but I've had good luck with mine.
  6. Shelly, if you want to try a pair of HF2s it can probably be arranged.
  7. Lost power last night at 7:30 with less than 2" on the ground. It was 57 in the house when we got up this morning around 7 with 4 to 6" of slush/snow. We drove over 30min to find a Dunkin Do's that had power to get some coffee and breakfast and waste some time to see if it would come back on. Waited in line for 35 minutes at DoDo's but was grateful we got their when we did since the line was 4x as long when I left as when I got in line. Called a few places to see about generators, got laugheinutd at, so we packed up the family and headed to the nearest inlaws who had gotten power back on 5 minutes before we were set to head to my parents who are over an hour away. While at the inlaws I found one generator available another half hour away, paid for it over the phone and left to pick it up. Got lots of angry looks when I picked it up and predictably drove home to set it up only to find that the power had been restored. But I'm happy to have it for the piece of mind and there are still folks less than 1/4 mile away who don't have power yet. There's talk that some won't have it for a week or more and on the way home I passed a tractor trailer truck loaded full of commercial transformers so it'll certainly be a while for those folks. What a friggen mess.
  8. Raked/sucked up leaves and pine needles before the forecasted white bullshit.
  9. easy mistake when the HV was spec'd using current and not VA. I'd put as much blame on the person asking for the quote as I would SumR.
  10. Generally we don't have much to speak of until December. I'm sure this stuff won't stick around long but the forecasted 6" will be a big pain in the ass and could cause big trouble for projects at work.
  11. A bunch of parts from Keling, Inc. for the mill.
  12. It is way too early for this shit. The mower is still on the tractor, goddammit.
  13. Stay calm, swear when necessary and above all sleep whenever the opportunity presents itself!
  14. Agreed, it's highly entertaining.
  15. No one gives a shit what you think.
  16. I'd go with Jeff's for now.
  17. Shelly, I don't think the KGSS should be viewed as an impediment to O2 ownership and nothing to be ashamed of.
  18. Nice score pak.
  19. unsubscribe
  20. WUHOO!!! Great work, Kerry.
  21. Oh snap, better late than never.
  22. I've been up since 4:15 and that feels bad enough, sorry Haj.
  23. You might look for something like this. And good call on the snow tires, I run them on my car and would never go without them again.
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