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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Damn, that thing looks awesome. Well done Marc and Steve.
  2. Oh, and as for what I did today. Took the ferry from Bremerton into Seattle and spent a few hours walking around. It was a very un-Seattle day with clear skies and temps in the upper 40s. Couldn't have asked for better. Seattle seems to be a nice place and if the weather wasn't shit for 350 days out of the year I think I could live here.
  3. I'm guessing that history will be kind in a decade or so. As for how I feel now, I don't have anything good to say so I'm not going to say anything.
  4. Why didn't you just pick out a pair of sealed headphones and make it go away?
  5. 16hrs of driving, sitting, flying, sitting, flying, driving seemed long enough. And yeah, Shelly, you've got to love the Gov who only cares about the lowest fare and not the shortest travel time. At least all of yesterday goes in the books as comp time that I can use as vacation time.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Finally at the hotel, sleepy time. Unsurprisingly it's overcast and misting...
  8. Silverdale, WA
  9. Currently sitting at the airport, headed to the pac-west for a week of training.
  10. They'd have to be pretty spectacular given they're pushing near used 12l pricing.
  11. Happy Birthday, Dom!
  12. Happy Birthdate, Mike!
  13. This. We've had next to none this year. There's 1-2" in the forecast tonight, which is worthless.
  14. n_maher


    Again today.
  15. Bat For Lashes - Fur And Gold
  16. Brought the bookcase in from the shop and took a proper picture althought the lighting makes it look much more orange than it is (or is that just my display?).
  17. I basically use it as a remote for my library. The USB works well for sampling new stuff with a complete library rescan, but that's about it.
  18. Buhbye, seriously.
  19. Thanks guys, yes it was great to be back in the shop. Hopefully I'll get the final coat on this afternoon.
  20. Happy Birthday, Grahame!!
  21. Glad to hear that things went well, Todd. Me, got the first coat of wipe on poly on Lily's bookcase. Pardon the crappy cell phone picture.
  22. Happy Birthday John!
  23. Congrat Haj!
  24. Put the last two pieces of trim in the book case that I'm building for Lily. It's been good to be back in the woodshop.
  25. Bon Iver - Bon Iver, Bon Iver Late to the party, but I like this a lot. It's not For Emma yet, but it's damn good.
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