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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Careful, while it's true that you can have it setup to only scan for changes there's also the option to do a full scan each time (IIRC). I always make sure that I have it setup to only scan for changes to avoid the long scan time debacle.
  2. While I understand the element of hilarity I'm not sure I get the overall point of this exercise. Why produce something that sucks? Why waste the time? Is it to spite Ray or something else overthere that likes the two products you're spoofing? I thought we (meaning the HC community at large) had kind of moved beyond giving a shit about most of this?
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Whoa, Shelly, well done!
  5. Ouch Haj, that sucks.
  6. Earlier tonight, 7 layer chocolate cake.
  7. Thanks again everyone. It was a great night - multiple vodka tonics to accompany a great meal consisting of pan seared scallops and sirloin tips followed by 7 layer chocolate cake. I am currently too full to even entertain a nightcap which I count as a win.
  8. Thanks everyone. It's been a great day so far, got woken up late by the family with breakfast in bed. Ran a few errands and now I'm watching Andrew while Maura and Lily head to another birthday party for a few hours. Then it's date night with the wife for dinner and drinks while Nana and Papa watch the kids.
  9. It was school vacation week and I'd already planned to take the day off. The worst of the weather was yesterday and most stuff was cancelled but i still went to work.
  10. Happy Birthday Craig!
  11. 10" of really heavy stuff here and still falling.
  12. It is a effing mess in my neck of the woods. I can't leave work till I get two more things done, one of which requires branch head approval and he's been on the phone for twenty minutes!!!?!?!?!
  13. About 6" so far with much more forecast today.
  14. The volume could be a shunted pot, right? No clue what they'd do for balance.
  15. If we're going on the assumption that 5 equates to an effective 10 given the balanced configuration then I revise my previous statement, having the low gain option set that high is unlikely to yield good results. I'm also not a fan of parking the outputs right next ot the power transformer. Where's the logic in that?
  16. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mobile+phone+design+forum Get off your lazy ass.
  17. I'm confused, it looks like the choice is 5 or 10. I'd agree that 10 is stupid, but 5 is a gain number that I like a lot.
  18. Thanks Dan, I mistakenly looked at the 64 based on the price. $30 for that drive isn't enough of a deal to get me to pounce since it'd mean also buying a 1TB internal drive for the second bay in my laptop.
  19. Similar issue here, Lily's birthday is the 6th so I'll have to push to have the part the following weekend. And damn if Tyll and Justin are in town I guess I'll really have to make it happen.
  20. The 128 is sold out, frack.
  21. If that's the case I would try to get a little larger stick than 1GB in the first slot.
  22. This, just make sure that it's easily user servicable.
  23. Oh hell yes.
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