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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. The weather outside right now: thunder and lightning. Yes, it's fucking mid-march. Oh joy, the power just flicked on and off....
  2. Glad to hear that Andrew is feeling better Todd. Best of luck with the toof, Haj.
  3. Metallica - Master of Puppets (DCC 24k Gold Remaster) I still enjoy the hell out of this album.
  4. Not necessarily a new supplier but I just got an update from these folks - http://www.metcaseusa.com/enclosures/combimet19.htm - with several new offerings. Running their online quote/price tool seems to show pretty reasonable prices. Not sure what their quality would be like but I may call and see what the chances are of getting a sample.
  5. Even with a brother that works for Fuji I doubt it'd be worth it unless you just have to have something 1/2 the size of a DSLR. I wonder, really, how much larger it'd feel than my D7000 w/ a 35mm prime on it, for $1,100 more. Oh and I'd have a pop up flash if I needed one. And be able to get it to focus.
  6. Thanks guys and gals. He's pretty funny during the day, still moderately painful during the night although getting better at that. The weather is a bit frightening lately. I think it's supposed to be 60+ all week which is very un-March-like but the kids love it.
  7. There appear to be some reasonably attractive refurbs in the Apple store right now. Any time you can get more than 15% off you're doing pretty well with Apple.
  8. At some point I'd like to hear a modded 800 but I doubt that it'd get me to buy another pair of Senns. Sure, they're technically better than the Grados that I own but at this point I'm in it for the fun of the listen and the HF2's provide plenty of fun. Someday I'll get the stax rig back up and running and that should cover the accuracy portion of the equation. Dinny, Just enjoy the beautiful, beautiful music.
  9. It cracked 60 again today.
  10. Congrat, Tom.
  11. Happy Birthday Fitz!!!
  12. Bummer Haj. Me: took the wife skiing for the first time in 8 years. Now having a drink before picking up the kids.
  13. Very cool, Marc.
  14. Agreed. While I'm sure the 3 will be nicer the 2 is more than enough for my needs. iPad 1 owners have got to be a little bummed though since the value of those has to have just fallen off a cliff.
  15. [edit]Finally got something to load. It's effing impressive (and somewhat unbelievable) that they managed to keep the price the same. Holy shit.
  16. From 2000 through 2010 the Colts paid Peyton some $140,000,000. I don't think they owed him anything in the end. Including endoresements he probably more than doubled that so color me unconcerned that he finds himself unemployed this morning.
  17. 1 day, 10 posts, none of them worth a turd. Take 2 weeks and see if you really think you want to be a member here.
  18. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... This is no potentially falling at a very bad time given my revised work schedule. Still going to do what I can but damnit, I'll be pissed if I can't find a way to make it happen.
  19. That'd be another way it could be done as well.
  20. You could still mount the switch directly to the front panel with the blind tapped holes, you wouldn't necessarily need the second plate.
  21. have fun mike
  22. I understand pursuing it for your own knowledge and benefit but it's the production of boards that doesn't make sense to me. I'd argue that none of those people are going to change their minds regardless of what evidence you or Kevin provides to the contrary. The "just enjoy the beautiful music" crowd is always going to have members.
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