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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Fine with me as long as innerfidelity gets a photo credit. And yes, I took the photos used for the article.
  2. Bummer Larry, but chicks dig scars, right?
  3. That was the third batch.
  4. Bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha @ The Jets. 1. Instant locker room termoil for Sanchez. 2. Instant media frenzy annoying most other players. 3. Now they have two QBs that can't throw, WIN! Anyone care to set the over/under on the number of Teebow signs at the Jets' home opener??? Dinny, will you carry one?
  5. I'm certainly of the same opinion you are Deepak. Voltage and Current gain are handled by glass in the L-2. There are active solid state parts but not in the way that would have me thinking "hybrid" in the sense that it's usually used around here. And Chris, yeah, I figure the guys making the comments are never going to hear what they want to hear from me but I tried to reply anyway.
  6. So there are reports out now that when tested by Consumer Reports the iPad 3 can reach temps of up to 116 F when used for extended periods. Anyone seeing anything like that? While not burning hot that's pretty toasty.
  7. Yes, really, notice I don't give a shit? You 'seem' annoying, buhbye. P.s. That declarative enough for you?
  8. This thread reminds me that I have a pound of bacon from a local pig at home that needs cooking. Damnit, I'm hungy.
  9. You should strongly consider revising your posting habits.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Heh, I just went and did the same thing to the same image... great minds and all that. Happy Birthday, Al. I know work has been a kick in the pants lately, but hang in there. I'll raise a glass or three to you tonight.
  12. Thanks guys, I'm seriously flattered by all of the compliments. And certainly big congrats to Doug. I really appreciate the way that he's constructed ECP as a company and wish him every success. [edit]And yes Tyll, that's exactly what I was thinking when I read that!
  13. Nice rig, Ric!
  14. You are of course correct , it should be fixed now.
  15. He continued the poor start so he can take a couple of weeks to ponder his return.
  16. It wouldn't exactly be shocking if the new screen drew more power and was therefore less friendly towards laptop USB ports. It would be surprising if an iMac of any generation didn't have sufficient power to charge it.
  17. Anyone have any recommendations for reasonably priced SDHC cards? I would like to pick up two for the D7000 and was just going to go with the usual Sandisk Extreme series but figured I'd ask first.
  18. Hmmm this thread is now of great interest to me.
  19. I think Comcast games the system with their initial burst speeds but I generally do get around 3MB/sec sustained speeds. It costs an arm and a leg though.
  20. Happy Birthday Larry!
  21. Lacuna Coil - Dark Adrenaline
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. The power stayed on but it was a big storm that went rolling through. There were a few huge boomers the shook the entire house.
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