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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Thanks, I'm going to give this a shot soon since we're entering the season where drinking hot coffee is not desirable but the caffeine is required.
  2. what's your preferred method of cold brewing, Dan?
  3. As of a week ago ryan was still waiting for his headphones.
  4. You're probably only talking about losing a couple hundred bucks over the year of ownership (regardless of capacity) so do you really care? Or in a different light - a decent percentage, maybe the majority, would argue that the 2nd gen is still plenty of tablet for most users. So if you bought a 3rd gen now, for what people were recently paying for a 2nd generation, and they improve upon the already ridiculously spec'd 3rd gen would you even need to worry about upgrading? I wouldn't.
  5. Happy Birthday, Ari!
  6. Happy Birthday, Matt!
  7. n_maher

    Top Gear

  8. Have a very happy birthday, Shelly!
  9. You've got the big mouth part covered...
  10. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nikon-18-200mm-f-3-5-5-6-G-ED-VR-USA-VERSION-/400295562638?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item5d33798d8e Looks like a much better deal to me with the hood, front and rear caps, and bag.
  11. I gave up after book 3, it mostly felt like punishment trying to get through them. I'm all for lengthy novel with deep character development but they simply failed to keep me interested.
  12. which they just did 5 minutes ago.
  13. Well done mike.
  14. Very cool, Gene, color me jealous.
  15. Sadly I have to report that I am almost definitely not going to make this. Stupid f****** work.
  16. ^ this. Make sure you take care of the eye. Me: at a conference for the day.
  17. One for me please.
  18. Castle. Great. Effing. Show.
  19. Al, you're in my thoughts bud. Me: I managed to make it out for the usual 17mi loop. Felt good for the first 14, hurt for a mile or so and then recovered somewhat. With a little luck improvements will continue and I'll ride to work this week.
  20. Sorry to hear about your dad, but like Steve I'm glad you got the chance to say goodbye. Me: yesterday I mowed the lawn for the first time this season, ugh. Today I'll hopefully finally make it back out on the bike for a ride aft a week of feeling not great.
  21. you may pick two. Maybe try to find a first gen 18-200vr on the used market. I love mine although it's not very fast (f stop wise).
  22. Happy Birthday Kevin.
  23. Congrats, that's certainly something to celebrate and be proud of.
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