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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Metric - Synthetica I <3 this album.
  2. Regina Spektor - What We Saw From The Cheap Seats
  3. n_maher


    Crucial M4 256GB for sale at Amazon (and others) for $179.99. Seems like a well reviewed, reasonably fast SSD for a good price. If I hadn't broken the bike a couple weeks ago I'd be picking one up. Use the HC Amazon link if you're think you might buy one.
  4. Blackmill - Reach for Glory
  5. Double Eff, shelly.
  6. Ack, Shelly, that's no good. Chris, glad to hear you're finally feeling better. Me - nothing of note today. All work and no booze make Nate something something.
  7. Paid, sorry for the delay.
  8. Not worth reporting from here at the office which is as near to a black-out zone as can be found around here. 1700 up/down is about the best I've seen which is a lot better than just 3G service speeds here.
  9. Will do. Initial impressions are pretty stellar. The screen is excellent and the overall feel of the phone is very good. It's light in the hand, fits in a pocket well (better than the droid X despite being larger, due to thinness) and battery life has not been an issue today even though it has had to cycle through 4G/3G several times and even down to whatever verizon's edge network equivalent is and I just got done using it for a half-hour conference call. The 4G speeds are ridiculous, even though at best I get 2/5 bars here at the office. Anyway, I'll give it a few weeks and see how the wow-factor holds up and report back.
  10. Bummer Jacob. Me, set up the S III which is a ridiculous phone in the best of ways.
  11. He is such a jackass.
  12. Beautiful shot. I hope you don't mind that I cropped it and used it for my phone background.
  13. (best Cartman voice) SWEEEEEET!!!
  14. Excellent news, Mike.
  15. RIP
  16. Excellent review, Tyll!
  17. Happy Birthday Mike!
  18. Happy Birthday Marshall! (better late than never)
  19. n_maher

    RIP Andy Griffith

    RIP Andy.
  20. Happy Birthaday Birgir!
  21. Hi Todd.
  22. Justin, if it's not too much trouble please revise my order to one of each.
  23. Happy Birthday Greg!
  24. Happy Birthday CJ!
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