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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I'm hoping that this post actually came from Steve (sbelyo) who is, in acutality, a good guy. It reads a little weird so it remains to be seen whether or not this is legit.
  2. Nees MOAR WIRES too. WTF, seriously, did they take old lamp cords and twist them together to make that headphone cable? I didn't think it was possible to jump the shark anymore than Jena did but that has to be one of the worst headphone cables I've seen. Jebus.
  3. Glad to hear Mom is feeling good Vicki. Naaman, I hope that didn't get into the unibody at all. Yuck. Repair estimate $15k and make sure they give your a comparable rental for the next 6 weeks.
  4. Up Next... Bat For Lashes - The Haunted Man
  5. Woof! My team had a bad week!
  6. A very happy birthday, Vicki!
  7. Yesterday: took the kids to a parade in Exeter to celebrate the success of Victoria Arlen at the paralympic games. For those that don't know anything about this amazing young woman she lived a normal life until the age of 11 when she was diagnosed with an extremely rare viral disease. She was in a coma for nearly two years and when she emerged she had lost the use of her legs. Thankfully she lived where she did and found out about Northeast Passage, the group that I did the fundraising ride for this fall. They encouraged her to pursue her passion for swimming and this past summer she won three silver medals and one gold at the paralympic games. Pretty effing amazing if you ask me. After that I managed to get in a very nice MTB ride with my friend Ian. Today: spent a quiet day at home with the family. Andrew is teething like crazy and was up every hour last night. Jebus that sucked.
  8. If that's a new production Tung Sol it simply will not do. You will have a PM shortly.
  9. n_maher


    Ugh, the 240GB @ $155 is really tempting...
  10. I expect minute by minute impressions so that I can live/drink/listen vicariously.
  11. Mumford and Sons - Babel Fired up the headphone rig for the first time in something like 6 months.
  12. 101 + 7 = 108
  13. Make that 9, 10 or whatever we're at now. Glad she's ok Haj. Chris, as the little man gets a bit older you're going to have even less heapdhone time (until he's like 13) so I suspect you'll miss it even less than you think you will right now.
  14. this and well done!
  15. Happy Birthday, Ben.
  16. Please report back, I'm considering watching it.
  17. Congrats Dan, I'm sure you'll rock the house. Sounds like a great day to me Ric!
  18. I'd go with rubbery regardless of color choice. I hate spikey feet.
  19. Really? The Android phone App seems much better to me anyway. You get a lot more stats with the box score for one. I actually think it's pretty pitiful the effort that ESPN has shown the iPad app.
  20. n_maher


    I wonder if regular subscribers will get any of those issues or if it'll be a newstand only thing? I'm sure I could read and find out, but I'm lazy.
  21. n_maher


    thanks Raf, I'm going to keep hunting for now.
  22. n_maher


    shit, wish I'd seen that.
  23. FIFY I miss being that close to work.
  24. Actually, in this case I do mind it. I'm pretty old-school, but I'm not going to start hand churning butter anytime soon. Thanks Shelly, I'll continue to do some research and probably dump a little $$ into something soon.
  25. Have a merry and happy birthday, Wayne!
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