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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Yesterday - played in a 9 hole golf tournament, refinanced the house finally and took the wife out to dinner to celebrate.
  2. Happy Birthday Beefy!
  3. I can't understand why anyone would choose that avenue to dispute resolution unless it really is for nothing else than an awkward 20 minutes of fame.
  4. The resolution game is getting insane. Retina spec displays have the potential to look pretty, yes, but I guess I'm in the minority who's perfectly comfortable and happy with a low res (1920x1200) 17" laptop screen. Oh the dpi horror and only being able to support 1080p.
  5. That's a pretty lame excuse. The stuff they would have put in there is shit, so buy something else. I get not having an optical drive in a laptop that you're trying to make as portable as possible but to not even have the option of an internal drive in a desktop computer is at least odd. I don't dispute that we're probably 3 to 5 years away from abandoning most forms of physical media but we're not there yet.
  6. $329 is borderline in terms of getting me to purchase it instead of the $399 10" iPad 2. I'm with Justin though, I'd be a bit miffed at having my barely purchased iPad3 superseded already. [edit]Not to mentiona refurb iPad 3 at $379...
  7. here we go with the mini info....
  8. The odds of that link working on my government supplied internet connection are laughable.
  9. t-minus 40 minutes till phase II of the insanity... depending on pricing i may pick one up for the wife.
  10. A very happy birthday to you, Marc!
  11. Justin, Those logos are terrible. While your current logo is simple, it is effective. I would second the advice that others have given and punt that contest and rewrite the design brief and include some information and pictures of the BHSE. I'd also talk to Ed and see if he's interested in doing some design work for you.
  12. If you can afford one, buy one. I would. You're unlikely to see a car like this in the US probably ever again. Also, I'd never buy an M3 in my 20s. The insurance is likely to be insane and at least worth checking into as it may contribute significantly to the overall ownership cost. I also think that M3's are a hey look at me car, but that's my hangup. The 335D is just about the ultimate sleeper car and I actually wish they'd tuned it for a bit less power. I can't find it now. It was something I read via Flipboard months ago and was a head to head of the Sub and Scion. The author noted flaws (not major) with both incarnations. IIRC something about a transmission in one and buzziness in both and something else. It could have just been a pissy journalist.
  13. I think this is Indra's amp which uses dual 3-pin (although I can see why she'd think it was dual 1/4").
  14. Peter, if you can stomach the head-fi-like idoicy of XDA Forums you can find a lot of really good deals on lightly used phones there. Imagine hoards of kids buying new phones every 6 months (maybe quicker) and selling whatever barely used piece of yesterday's fastest tech at a decent loss. If I hadn't had a Verizon upgrade that was quickly being rendered useless by their new plans that's the route I would have gone. Actually, I did got that way (bought a Rezound) and then quickly sold it and picked up the GSIII.
  15. So...uh...I just happen to have bought a pair of HD600s that came with an HD650 cable that has been reterminated for balanced (4pin XLR). What is the configuration of your amp? 4pin or dual 3pin? If it's 4pin I'll just send you the cable. If not, we can discuss reterminating it for dual 3pin. I don't solder much anymore but this wouldn't take much effort.
  16. Hi Indra, welcome back. I wouldn't fret too much about spending a ton of $$ on a replacement cable for the 600s. I'd order a stock HD650 cable (assuming you still can) and use that. It's a nice, decent qualitiy cable terminated with a 1/4" plug and easily adapted to balanced drive if you really want to. The best thing is that it is non-microphonic unlike most of the aftermarket/DIY options. Actually, I just looked at the 650 cable is still available and a meager $14 + shipping. If you can't order it internationally just shoot me a message and I'll get you one and forward it along.
  17. Colin needs a 335d. Congrat Dinny, glad to hear that your mom is doing well.
  18. The toyasub looks pretty cool but seems to have flaws in both favors from what I've read.
  19. It's a multi-function button and changes that as well iirc.
  20. Whoa. Sweet.
  21. Mike, do you have to be registered at The Dive Watch Connection to see the classifieds? I still casually look from time to time for a decent, somewhat inexpensive analog watch and WUS is just too insane to even look at for me.
  22. Have a look at my lineup Shelly and see if there's anything of interest.
  23. Yikes Jacob, I hope everything turns out ok.
  24. Experienced a minor earthquake at 7:15pm. It was a 4.6 which is huge for up here, centered about 100 miles from where I live. Friends who live closer by have minor, non-structural damage. Still, this is probably only the 2nd or 3rd time we've had a noticeable event in my lifetime.
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