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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. n_maher

    Top Gear

    Agreed, Ed, a bit of a downer to have only Hamster presenting but also at this point I'll take what I can get. I admit that I have been cheating lately and watching the reboot of 5th gear on Velocity. It's different, but decently good.
  2. n_maher


    Buy.com has a deal on 11" Macbook Air's today for $779 (MSRP $999) and it doens't appear to be a refurb. No idea if it's current gen, but 20% off an Apple product isn't something I've seen a lot of if it is current.
  3. Good news CJ, glad to hear it.
  4. X3. Had a chance to buy one cheap at a meet once and thankfully I listened before buying.
  5. Glad to hear from you Ari, I'd be hoping you'd show up soon. Enjoy the normalcy, Dinny.
  6. There's a limit to how complicated I want it to be to make a cup of coffee. The french press is about as far as I'm willing to go.
  7. The Nexus 10 and 7 both look pretty interesting. I'll be looking for some real-world usage reports to see how the 10 does in the wild.
  8. Done. It gave me some weird "From Address" failed message and it doesn't appear to have sent me a confirmation email but I'm not worried about the tax implications. Good luck Vicki, I'm sure you'll do great and it's a great thing that you're doing.
  9. For a good 4 months up here that's not an option. Being hot is tolerable, freezing... not so much.
  10. To second this I bought our generator almost 12 months ago to the day Sandy hit. I hadn't used it until yesterday. It easily paid for itself in the 4hrs that I had to use it yesterday. Given the dire predictions for this winter it'll probably get quite a bit more use in the near future, unfortunately. Even if you ignore the convenience of having it you don't need to lose many fridge/freezers full of food to pay for it if you want to make an actual economic argument. For me, with two little ones, it's a no brainer just to have heat and hot water. Having family close is great except when it means that there's nowhere to run to in a storm since they'll both be getting battered by whatever we might be running from.
  11. n_maher

    Top Gear

    Wuhoo, new content!!! http://www.topgear.com/uk/promotion/jamesbondspecial I'll be scouring the interwebs tonight when I get home for information related to when this might *cough* re-air...
  12. Yup, the power stayed on after 7pm last night for us. Pretty calm this morning, still gusting pretty good but the sun is out inbetween the bands of clouds that are passing by. Once again we're really lucky to be on the spur of the grid that we are. 4 houses down the street has no power and it is the same story for 6 miles to the East. Here's a quick picture I grabbed on the way in, less than 1/4 mile from my house. That was definitely the worst damage I saw on the way in. It mostly just looks like a bad windstorm blew threw, not a hurricane. We didn't get anywhere near the rainfall that was predicted so no real flooding to speak of. No real dammage at work which is very good.
  13. Hang in there NYC. It's going to be a long night.
  14. Power just came back on after 4+ without. Like Tom and Dan I expect more of the same for the next few days.
  15. I suspect we won't see it till tomorrow at the earliest. The store cancelled my order without notification so gas reserves are limited for now as well. I'll probably end up trying to go out for some later tonight unfortunately.
  16. We're on generator power now.
  17. Wife just reported in. Power is flickering at home but not out yet. We've had storms in the past where it does no more than flicker but seeing as we're not even into the thick of this one yet an outtage seems pretty likely. I'm loving the comfort of having the gennie right there ready to go.
  18. Found 2 gas cans to pick up on the way home. That'll give me somewhere around 48 hours of gas at near continuous operation. That should be plenty unless this gets really bad. In which case having a little more gas is not likey to matter a whole lot.
  19. Not good and glad Dinny isn't there. We're installing sandbags at strategic locatoins around the island in an effort to minimize the potential for flooding of bad things.
  20. The wind is starting to kick up pretty good here along the NH coast. I'm sure it pales in comparison to what others are starting to experience as the storm heads for NJ and I guess we'll see how it goes later this afternoon when the big winds are supposed to arrive.
  21. One more time.
  22. Dinny, please watch the forecasts carefully. They're starting to say some nasty stuff about what this storm could do to NYC, especially areas like where you live. I'm now getting a little worried about having enough gas for the generator.
  23. i think that's what he meant to say.
  24. Shopping done, generator gassed up and ready.
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