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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Happy birthday, guys!
  2. What little we got earlier in the week is pretty much gone and on top of that it's supposed to be near 70 on Monday. Yay global warming.
  3. Blarg, ecstasy delayed. The bike was actually ready to be picked up yesterday when I got there but won't fit my rack without an adapter. So I'll go back and try my other rack this morning or just buy the adapter. I did get to ride it around the parking lot and it'll be a lot of fun on the trails.
  4. You're clearly over thinking this.
  5. This. Holy frack that's hot.
  6. I'm going to try to swing by the LBS on the way home and say hi to my new toy. The weather for the weekend is looking like it'll support an outing if I can find someone to go ride with. If I have to I'll do a solo trip and ride conservatively.
  7. Excellent, Vicki. It's always nice to see the fruit of one's labor and be able to be proud of it. Shelly/Chris, bummer. I've been there off and on for what seems like 2 weeks now and it's getting really old. Me - emergency site visit to Boston this morning to look at storm damage to the USS Constitution Park for the NPS. Turned out to be pretty minor damage to a fender system so that was good. Now I get to go back to report writing and fighting other fires. This three day weekend is timed very well.
  8. I'm interested, schedule at work/home pending. I have jack for headphones anymore but miss my NYC buds.
  9. It's not a custom. It's not carbon. Hell, it's not even a road bike. Nonetheless I just got shipping confirmation on my purchase of a leftover 2012 Cannondale Jekyll 3. With a little luck it'll show up at my LBS tomorrow in time for them to start the build and then finish it on Saturday. With even more luck today's snow will melt and I can get a ride in on Monday or the following weekend. I wanted to hold out for a Trigger 29er but the economics were insurmountable (30% cost premium). It's way more bike than I need but at the price I paid it's untouchable value compared to anything else I could find.
  10. Very, very cool, Chris.
  11. It's just a sign from the Forum that it wants more posts from you, Indra.
  12. I checked with BJC Grahame and found the same thing. I do wonder if you emailed them if they'd agree to make something shorter without the huge strain relief boots on them? [edit] The schitt cables look good to me. At $20 it'd be worth taking a flier on a pair to see if they'd work. I'd be hard pressed to order 4 half-decent RCAs for that (including shipping).
  13. I'd want to see a picture of everything stacked up to believe it. It just seems impossible even with pint sized components.
  14. Last night...7pm discovered that one of the air relief valves on our boiler was leaking profusely. About a gallon had already leaked onto the floor and spread over a pretty large area. Minor casualties all things considered, mostly just storage boxes since everything else is on racks (thank god). Spent an hour and a half wet-vac'ing the area and cleaning up which was exactly what I had planned for the evening. Finished things off by finally getting a listen to the HD600s that I bought a few weeks ago. Came away from that thoroughly underwhelmed. Could be the amp I'm using (Torpedo) but they were treading awfully close to overly polite. Since I have no plans to replace that amp anytime soon they may simply not fit with the current plan. I guess ultimately what I'm looking for is a more comfortable Grado. Which may = Stax... Today, currently at work. I'll vote on the way home then I'll be hitting the town with a few old friends to celebrate democracy anything other than work/politics.
  15. You sure that a 6" rca is going to be able to reach from each source (tuner/dac/cd) to the pre? I'm assuming the third pair is to go from the pre to each amp, which again, makes me think that 6" is really short.
  16. Any real aesthetic concerns with these or are they going to be 100% hidden? Any reason they need to be shielded?
  17. n_maher

    Hells Yeah!

    Whoa. It'd be great if it started a trend.
  18. Not cheap, but not hugely expensive. Looking forward to hearing what Tyll has to say about them. Website seems to be from 2011 so are they really new to the game or did they just catch on?
  19. Steve, Don't you already own a K1K to speaker connection adapter? At least I think you bought one from me... also, not sure that you really want a panel mounted connector used in a cable, there are certainly female cable-mount XLRs that should work, unless you think it adds too much bulk somehow. But with 2' of cable length I can't see that as the justification. You want a more flexible version of this w/ RA connectors, right? I can probably help with some of this stuff as long as you don't need it tomorrow save for the digital IC. But I might have a friend who can help with that. I'll shoot him a message.
  20. Sniff, sniff, I miss my old ride reports... Anyway, got the MTB out again this weekend and did another pretty long loop at Fort Rock. Managed to get the bike shifting a bit better but still not great. Can't wait to close the door on this chapter and get a new ride for next year which appears like it should be going forward soon. Portions of the trail were downright unridable with dense leafpack where the lower layer was wet leaves and provided zero traction. Still a ton of fun and it makes me doubly sad that both riding seasons are going to be over soon but I'm pretty excited to ski and next year I'll be getting out on the MTB a lot more than I did this year. Yesterday's data.
  21. :drool:
  22. Made bacon in the cast iron skillet this morning. Saved some of the grease and used it to cook the veggies and beef for chili which is now simmering in the crock pot for dinner. Great bacon day so far.
  23. This!
  24. High quality (local farm, no hormone, etc) bacon procured for breakfast this weekend. It's cast iron skillet time, wuhoo! yeah, yeah, I know, one of these days I'll bake my bacon all proper-like.
  25. Good news, CJ, glad to hear it.
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