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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Take a picture of how you have it mounted. It took a couple of tries to get mine to work but eventually it worked just fine. Now, I can't get the cadence sensor to work because there's too much offset between the crank arm and the receiver but that's a different issue.
  2. For those that might not frequent the DIY forum the Mafia gained a (new/old/reluctant) member last night.
  3. I happened to be reading the Head-Fi DIY forum today for the first time in probably a month or more and came across a thread that pointed at Par-Metals site. The short of it is there appears to have been a semi-catestrophic fire at Par-Metals office/warehouse at the end of January which has currently halted all production of enclosures. I checked Antec's site (the one I actually care about) and they are very limited in what they have as of 2/4 but are saying that they'll be restocked in one to two months. Anyway, just figured I'd give folks a heads up. I can work around the delay on for my project so it's no big deal.
  4. Yeah, that sounds like what I'm seeing. Pretty strange...
  5. Hugh, so my ipad now refuses to show embedded YouTube video content on multiple sites. Wtf?
  6. So, my ipad updated tonight and in so doing basically forced me into calling apple to try to resolve my ID issues. After a maddening half hour on the phone I'm fucked. My primary email address is associated with another apple ID. My secondary email address is associated with another apple ID. So their solution is for me to create a new email address to use as my apple ID. What the fuck? I asked if they could delete the account that uses my email address that I haven't used since I pitched my iphone 3 years ago. No, no one, not even apple can delete an apple id or even sever the relationship between an email address and an account. What a bunch of fucking useless people. So I think I'll sell the ipad.
  7. Wow, Jeff, just wow!
  8. Easy 2' here with drifts well over 3' and probably approaching 4'. Took 2-1/2 hrs to snow blow the driveway which might be a record.
  9. It's still snowing quite hard here, I'd guess we've gotten between 16 and 20" or so but like everyone else the drifting is crazy. My car has been nearly swallowed whole. The worst of it is supposed to be over by 2pm so it'll be an interesting afternoon of trying to clear the driveway.
  10. 6 to 8" already and we aren't even at the height of it yet. Pics and maybe video tomorrow.
  11. Very cool, Justin. I hope it works out.
  12. Happy Birthday, Jeff!
  13. I'll be making sure the tractor gassed up and ready to go.
  14. Health and prosperity, Wes.
  15. His name is Bryant. Nice Ride, Jeff. Can't wait to see the whole thing. And yes, Dinny needs a bike.
  16. Eat poo, tall Man. It was 10F in NH this morning.
  17. ^^ Noice! I really can't wait to get back in the saddle. Is it April yet?
  18. Yeah, I'll echo the above and add that I can't imagine running a close ratio cassette with the hills around here or if I was just starting to get into cycling. Cut yourself some slack and pickup the largest spread that your rear derailleur will accommodate. If you don't have a compact crank (50/34), pick one of those up too.
  19. Sweet!
  20. Explain? I didn't know one could do that.
  21. Pictures might help.
  22. Well done to both of you!
  23. Woot! Well done, Emily. And congrat to you of course Jacob, mo money doesn't always mean mo problems when no money is the problem.
  24. Looks great, Doug.
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