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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. I you. That seems to work, hopefully it'll last.
  2. Every app.
  3. This!
  4. January on my phone.
  5. So, speaking of the S3, Google or Verizon updated it sometime in the last 3 months and basically rendered the GPS utterly useless. I've searched on the topic and I'm not alone, in fact it seems like most if not everyone is affected to some degree. My phone basically no longer will lock onto a GPS signal with enough reliability to navigate. It's so inaccurate that it constantly reroutes while I'm driving down a straight road as it bounces around the +/- 100' sphere of where it thinks I am approximately. The best I've been able to do is turn off everything but true GPS (turn off both Verizon and Google location services) which works OK, but is obviously not the way that it is intended to be used. Anyone have any bright thoughts on this? Other than to buy a different phone... I'm insanely frustrated since the reason that I got rid of my last phone was horrid GPS. The S3 was outstanding in this regard, at least in the beginning.
  6. Happy Birthday, Fitz!
  7. Ride #2 in the books.
  8. Garmin Edge 500 for GPS, phones aren't nearly accurate enough off road. And I'm glad RoadID got brought back up. I'm going to order one today.
  9. I'm not a fan of the fact that it is now standard practice/expectation in most industries that you'll tip the person performing the work. WTF? When I do a good job I get paid the exact same amount as when I do a shit job. Do I do a shit job as a result? No, I have some pride in my work and generally try to do it as well as I can do it. That said, I do tip pretty generously for service related industries where it's a long established practice and actually assumed to be part of the salary structure (e.g. restaurants) but why is it that the person who simply pours a cup of coffee for me expects a buck for the 20 seconds of effort? [/rant]
  10. 10" + of fresh bullshit this morning. All plans for cycling this weekend are clearly scrapped. It's actually still snowing at work now and I am officially ready for spring.
  11. Yup, the wife is off today and now will be working into July.
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. Ah, that sucks. I didn't follow Mayberry that closely because it was too painful. At least I thought it was painful. Sounds like it was more painful for you!
  14. I feel like I missed something here, Jeff, what happened?
  15. Sweet ride, Justin.
  16. Holy shit, Strech. I'm not sure I'd recognize you at that weight! My story - In good old 1998 I crested the 200lb barrier for the first time in my life. Also the year I stopped being a competitive athlete, i.e. I retired from Track anf Field officially due to a surgically repaired left ankle that prevented me from continuing to be a high jumper. I took up club volleyball to entertain me somewhat but the practice and workout routines were far less structured and therefore I did far less. Anyway, within 2yrs and subsequently graduating from college I balloned to over 230 (FAT BASTARD!). I realized that I needed to do something about that and started semi-reegular workouts at the gym which took me back down to around 210 which is more or less where I've stayed for the last decade. I've gone up a few pounds occassionally but rarely down. 5 years ago I decided I wanted to get into a little better shape and started running. I ended up randomly tearing some cartilage during a training run in 2010 and the ortho-doc suggested that runnnig was probably not a good sport for me. So I picked up cycling. For the latter half of 2010 and 2011 I didn't make much of that and my weight was simply holding steady. Last year I got the hairbrained idea from a co-worker to commute to work 1 day a week on the bike and found that I enjoyed the hell out of it. I dropped about 15lbs last year but lost a lot more fat than that. I finished the year at 199, my first trip under 200# in a long damn time. Over the winter I've put 3 or 4lbs back on but haven't completely lost last year's gains. The goal this year is to get down as close to 190 as possible by the end of the summer. Sadly, through all of the weight loss and increased fitness my high blood pressure has remained. I don't drink (average one to two drinks a week, seriously) and I don't smoke. I don't put salt on anything. I eat a reasonably well balanced diet. I know that I'm genetically predisposed but I was still hoping to avoid medication but it seems that without some sort of radical dietary change it's going to be unavoidable. Maybe I'll try minor adjustments to the diet and see if it helps...
  17. I can't wait to hit the rocks again after mud season.
  18. Yes, old news. http://www.frontpanelexpress.com/company/history-development/index.html
  19. Craigslist the Vizio for a couple hundred and take the wife out to dinner.
  20. I would have assumed that stems were measured from CTC.
  21. Thanks everyone, it's been a great birthday weekend. Friday was quality time spent with the kids (and not at work!) and yesterday I got some alone time during the day and got my first rode ride of the season in. Last night the wife and I got to spend time without the kids and had a great dinner in Portsmouth. Unfortunately this morning the wife was not feeling great but we made the best of it and I just snuck in a workout during nap time since the snow returned today. Life is good. And Stretch, you're always up to something so I'm nervously curious what you're up to this time.
  22. Nice JP, I'm looking forward to building the mileage base up and going for some longer rides this year.
  23. 2013 - ride #1 - a bit brisk out, but the roads were decently clean with only a few puddles from snow melt. Of course now that I'm back the sun is out and it's getting warmer. If daytime temps start regularly flirting with 50 I can start riding to work again.
  24. HA @ Mike. I just sent the kids to Nana and Papa's till tomorrow morning.
  25. Glad everything turned out ok, Steve.
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