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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Happy Birthday Miguel!
  2. I would think that the side pockets would handle the bottles just fine. I'm not positive about the center taking a 13" MBP but I'd take Gene up on the loaner. I love my mini Ruck and use it everyday and haven't ever really wished I'd bought the bigger one.
  3. Eh hem. Real backpacks represent.
  4. Sounds uncomfortable Ken, glad you're ok.
  5. Don't forget the one on loan.
  6. Have Colin make a run to the corporate store for you, Jeff.
  7. I think they'd look great in a Cmoy.
  8. Shelly, somehow my BP remained pretty reasonable despite normally being on the high side. The worst it got was around 150/90 and once I got comfortable was back down in the 130s. And yes, they prescribed Flomax, hopefully that allows the stone to pass more easily although there's limited (if no) science behind that. Looks like you had a nice walk in the park, the weather here today is gorgeous so I'm hoping to get outside for a little while since I've been pain free for about 12hrs. Their opinion was that anything up to 6mm should pass on its own. I don't know that I support that assumption but we'll see what happens over the next day or so.
  9. Cheers, although today I'm limited to water it's the thought that counts.
  10. From 4:30 to about 9am this morning was by far the most painful experience of my life, I hope that it stays that way and that the rest of the trip out is nowhere near as bad.
  11. Spent the morning in the ER - today's lesson kids, kidney stones suck. Back home now in semi-comfort but until the 4.5mm stone passes life isn't going to be much fun.
  12. Nice to hear the glasses are working well, Jeff. I plan to pick up a pair soon as the Zeros, while offering excellent unobstructed vision, do not deflect enough wind - for my eyes anyway. The weather broke this afternoon for a few hours which meant spreading mulch. I may get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and try to get a ride in before the holiday nonsense sets in. It was a stressful week and I could use the distraction/release.
  13. After raining every day since Monday it snowed in central NH today . May is going to be a disappointing month for mileage but at least it supposed to be back in the 70s tomorrow. Nothing like having to turn the heat back on one day and want an air conditioner the next.
  14. Once again I'm struck dumb by someone who found a way to buy a $2k pair of headphones and on the flip side of that coin has no plan for how to drive them other than with something that may very well be damaging the headphones.
  15. So let me get this straight, you want to mod something that you knowingly admit is ill suited for the task at hand and on top of that bypass it's built in overload protection? Are you gunning for the audio equivalent of a Darwin award?
  16. Some extraordinarily soft goals by the B's tonight though, Gene. This never should have ended up in OT.
  17. Happy Birthday, Brent!
  18. Happy Birthday my Roubaix brother!
  19. My job has its good days and bad, Chris. I suspect that if you hung out with me this Thursday that you'd have a radically different view. Gene, yes Charlestown would make a great meeting spot but there is certainly no shortage of good/great spots in Portsmouth. You just pick one and I'll be there .
  20. Here's a 180deg (almost) view from Pier 2 which is where I watched most of the undocking process.
  21. The Dry Dock was not particularly dry last week. And this is for Gene, from last summer. If I can get a panoramic image that I took last week to display properly I'll link to it but right now pbase is being a bitch and won't rotate/display it correctly.
  22. Yeah, that's DD#1 at the yard. I'll upload a couple of other cool pictures when I get home tonight. The Cassin Young (old Destroyer) was in that dock up until last week when they took her back out in preparation for the Constitution going into dock for maintenance (in a few years). I was there for the flooding of the dock and undocking of the ship.
  23. Had a meeting in Boston at the US Constitution Historic Park.
  24. You'll probably only save yourself $20 or so buying used so if it were me I'd just hop on Ebay and find something that's the range you want and pull the trigger. Going rate seems to be <$60 for a 1050 (Apex grade) and there doesn't appear to be much that'd interest me on Paceline.
  25. Just saw some of that, speechless.
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