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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Fricken missed an empty net.
  2. Man, this game is insane so far...
  3. I can't help, Marshall, as I haven't ridden enough in those conditions to be able to tell if my chain lube is working. Me: I think this says enough about my ride home.
  4. Woof! I've designed roofs with less pitch! Good thing it wasn't any more or you might have ended up with 2 steps.
  5. Made roasted tomatillo and cilantro salsa this morning and started some chicken marinating in olive oil, lime juice, salt, pepper and oregano. Enchiladas are on the menu tonight.
  6. Nice Dan, how packed was it along the way? Hopefully you stopped a few times. Me: finished mowing the yard in brutal heat. Took a 25 mile bike ride later in the day in worse conditions. My Garmin said the average temp was over 90. Thank god for the new AC.
  7. Shit, piss and corruption. That sucked but the hawks just out worked the B's on all fronts based on what I was able to watch.
  8. Very cool. I got out for a terrific twilight ride last night (left the house at 7:30) and will be trying to do more of that as it gets hotter and more humid over the next two months. I feel wiped today so I'll probably wait till tomorrow to get in another ride and not push it.
  9. Wow. That is all.
  10. I can't imagine riding a HT around here, not to mention a full rigid.
  11. I like 'em both skinny and fat. A fun ride either way.
  12. Barney: Oh, oh, my heart stopped!.........................There it goes.
  13. 1-1 What a wiff by the Hawks D.
  14. Way too young, RIP.
  15. That's what I was thinking.
  16. Good luck, Shelly!
  17. That scenery is stunning!
  18. The tech in it seems pretty old (it sold in mid 2008) but if you don't care about the bleeding edge the reviews generally seem to be pretty positive and $400 isn't outrageous.
  19. Does not agree with your translation.
  20. sounds like a high risk, low reward purchase if you ask me. So I would only do it if you are trying to help your brother out. And I'm still not sure it would be worth $400.
  21. Yeah, back in the day I had somewhere in excess of a 36" vertical leap and when I was lifting regularly I could squat more than most of the football team. My upperbody is a mixed bag. My shoulders are strong, my chest is comparably weak. And my core could definitely use work these days.
  22. Raffy, I think you'll find that the more you ride the more you realize how hard you can push yourself. For me, the first year of riding was really slow. I bought the Roubiax in the spring of 2011 and I looked back through that year and there wasn't a single ride where I averaged much over 15mph and most of my rides were 10 to 15 miles. Heck, even through the first half of 2012 I rarely went much over 16mph. It was like all of a sudden middle of the way through last year a switch got flipped and I added 2mph to my average. My best guess is that it was a direct result of riding 60 to 80 miles a week, generally about 20mi at a time (when I started commuting to work). But I also don't always ride that hard. I still go out and try to do tempo rides in the 16's because I know I let myself get so badly out of cardiovascular shape that I need to log miles at a lower HR for my own good. So really my goal for this year is not to add any more speed but endurance. If I can keep the current frequency and duration of rides up for the next month I think August could be pretty interesting from a testing my limits perspective. And this fall for the 3-notch ride there's a group of guys coming, one of which is a good friend of mine, who are all triathlete nut jobs who can really hammer. I'd like to think that I might be able to hang with them. We'll see. Looking back at the last three days of riding it's pretty nutty that I did 95 miles at average of just shy of 19mph. Time to slow down for a week or more.
  23. Considering the miles that i logged Saturday and Sunday I was expecting to feel pretty weak this morning and instead felt great. This afternoon there was a slight chance of thunderstorms. That turned into about 2" of rain in 20 minutes with some pretty epic lightning and thunder about 1.6 miles into the ride home. So I huddled under a tree (the best I could do) and got thoroughly soaked. I decided that enough was enough after that and managed to rip the rest of the ride home at just shy of 20mph. Now my legs are well and truly shagged. (note the temperature drop after the storm)
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