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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Once we got a little over a mile from the beach the temp hit the mid 90s and when we got 5 miles from home it hit 99. Fuuuuuuuu.
  2. And thus makes for a confusing read, eh? What I'd say is that given Tyll's recent thoughts (i.e. liking the 800s lots driven by something without near-0 output impedance) that the Rudi amp likely fits at least part of that profile and might actually be better suited to driving the 800s compared to the beta22.
  3. It makes me like the race a whole lot less.
  4. Yikes, Chris. I'm going to get a ride in tomorrow but between 2 hrs of sleep last night and the heat I'm not sure that's such a good idea.
  5. I don't understand why SKY is being allowed to cheat so obviously? This is the second or third time they've illegally given riders food and drink late in a race and Froome was clearly crashing before the bottle and snack.
  6. Gorgeous watch, Jacob.
  7. Frick, Marshall, that sucks. Glad to hear that it's only scrapes to you and your gear but I'm sure it still doesn't feel good.
  8. Gene, yes we did most of that exactly or closely similar.
  9. This puts a huge smile on my face.
  10. Gene, we're at pine point, which is the northern end of Saco Bay. The weather has been pretty epic.
  11. Thanks Dan! I caved and ordered 2lbs.
  12. Nice Chris! No riding for me this week but I should be able to make a good showing next week.
  13. Damnit, I just ordered two pounds last week. Still probably going to order some...
  14. Steve, You need to learn that when your lawyer gives you advice, you shut up and listen. As usual, Al, your generosity is astounding.
  15. n_maher

    Top Gear

    There's only so much you can stage and the stuff they were driving by had a pretty authentic, unmaintained but vacant quality about it. It is a feeling that I very much remember from working on abandoned military facilities back in the late 90s. It's all there, just waiting to be turned on. It can be freaky in real life.
  16. n_maher

    Top Gear

    I was wondering that too, Ed. Those empty apartment/condo/house areas were like post-apocalypse crazy.
  17. Wheels are one of the most sensible upgrades, actually.
  18. n_maher

    Top Gear

    Looking forward to seeing this tonight.
  19. X3 on podium big chill, I just grabbed two from Amazon last week.
  20. Thanks Vicki. I can hear the surf crashing and I just lit the grill so life is good.
  21. Started vacation on the coast of Maine. Nana and papa eented a beach house for the week and with the exception of Tuesday I'll be up all week. It was gorgeous out today and the forecast is looking great.
  22. 19.1 is cruising, V. I wouldn't feel bad getting dropped at that pace.
  23. I like glowing glass thingies so my $ is on the L2 but there's no bad choice there CJ. Tyll, you might ask Doug if there's a way to feed it from a single ended source. I'm almost positive that there is it'd just mean custom cables. Actually I'm sure you can since that's what I did for part of the review until my dac pooped out.
  24. If nothing else it's evidence that there really isn't an amp that's perfect for everything. Tyll, any chance that you'll get to measure the L2?
  25. Sure, it's just weird that it isn't there for everyone.
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