And thus makes for a confusing read, eh?
What I'd say is that given Tyll's recent thoughts (i.e. liking the 800s lots driven by something without near-0 output impedance) that the Rudi amp likely fits at least part of that profile and might actually be better suited to driving the 800s compared to the beta22.
I don't understand why SKY is being allowed to cheat so obviously? This is the second or third time they've illegally given riders food and drink late in a race and Froome was clearly crashing before the bottle and snack.
There's only so much you can stage and the stuff they were driving by had a pretty authentic, unmaintained but vacant quality about it. It is a feeling that I very much remember from working on abandoned military facilities back in the late 90s. It's all there, just waiting to be turned on. It can be freaky in real life.
Started vacation on the coast of Maine. Nana and papa eented a beach house for the week and with the exception of Tuesday I'll be up all week. It was gorgeous out today and the forecast is looking great.
I like glowing glass thingies so my $ is on the L2 but there's no bad choice there CJ.
Tyll, you might ask Doug if there's a way to feed it from a single ended source. I'm almost positive that there is it'd just mean custom cables. Actually I'm sure you can since that's what I did for part of the review until my dac pooped out.