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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Drool!
  2. This. Some day I won't have a mortgage. That'll be like 2040
  3. n_maher

    Top Gear

    I think there have been series in the past that have only had 6. Overall I thought it was a step back in the right direction and thoroughly enjoyable. I'm also fine with no epic special if they can't come up with something better than the last two.
  4. RIP Denver and sorry for your loss, Mike.
  5. Happy birthday, Tom!
  6. Wuhoo @ Vicki! That's outstanding news and I can't wait to see the pearly pictures. Glad the rain has finally let up, Aerius. Me - I've been feeling under the weather since Monday. Seems like there's a summer cold/flu going around right now and I've caught at least part of it. I've got a ride scheduled with a coworker tomorrow evening but the weather is not looking good. I might push it and go anyway.
  7. Gene, When my contract is up with V I'll probably try switching to an alternate via an off-contract phone purchase to see how it goes. When I briefly had an AT&T iPhone the coverage was wretched but several folks in my office seem to have good luck with AT&T on their 4G network. T-Mo is pretty useless up here from what I understand and Sprint is almost as bad. I've got a year left so there's plenty of time to strategize.
  8. Dan enjoys trying to incite a reaction from fans of anything unApple.
  9. n_maher


    I don't trust Newegg enough anymore to order anything from them.
  10. Stock on my GS3 because it seems to be a popular enough item that it receives somewhat timely updates. Really what I need to do is get off Verizon so I can be done with their locked versions of everything but other providers up here simply do not provide the level of coverage, which is maddennig. I'd love to hear suggestions for how to get around that.
  11. I got up at 6 this morning to head out for a little ~40mi lap of the seacoast. It was actually a little chilly up here, with the start temp in the mid 50s. By the time I finished it was up to nearly 70 and felt great. I need to find a way to start hitting some of the bigger hills around here before the century next month.
  12. I'm in.
  13. I would probably put abusive in all those categories so I guess 2k isn't that bad. At least the cassette was still ok.
  14. Took my bike to the LBS today for a tuneup and was informed that I needed a chain as well. 2,000 miles doesn't seem like enough to me, but I don't really know. Thoughts? It's ready to pick up tomorrow so I'm hoping to get in a ride a some point as a part of the pickup and then hopefully get a medium distance ride in Sunday.
  15. Happy Birthday Todd!
  16. @ this thread.
  17. Your post would literally have to be 100x its current length to be considered, going HPA. I do and don't, all at the same time, want to hear a pair of modded 800s. I'm at the point in this game where I don't want 10 pairs of headphones, I want one or two that I can reliably grab without fear of disappointment/discomfort. I'm only good for about an hour with either set of Grados. The pads just kill my ears despite trying to wash and condition them repeatedly. I'll probably keep them, for stupid sentimental reasons, but I want a good counter punch to the KGSS/L-Sig rig. I think I've found it (details in the coming weeks) but all this talk about the HD800s has me curious.
  18. EW are unabashed Whedon fans and while I'd say it deserves a spot on the top 100 I agree that #3 is way too high. That said, the writing on Buffy was borderline phenomenal most of the time and pretty much nailed a lot of topics that most shows miss horribly at. If you watched that show when you were in your late teens, early 20's I think it resonated a lot more than for other generations.
  19. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, Chris. Rest up and get better. Nice pick up, Zach.
  20. Better late than never happy birthday!
  21. Happy Birthday!!!
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