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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Within Temptation - Hydra
  2. Good luck Dusty, ice is decidedly worse than snow in most cases. And yes, they've cancelled both my wife's school and Lily's for tomorrow. I will, however, solder on and go to work.
  3. Incoming ordinance - 8-12" due tomorrow morning starting just in time to make the morning commute nasty and lasting all day.
  4. Very nice work as usual, Birgir. I really need to find a better home for my KGSS. I'm hopeful that they'll move me into an actual office and if so, it may become my work rig as absurd as that would be.
  5. I actually got pretty proficient at assembly/disassembly with the 3-shelf unit that I used to take back and forth to meets. It wasn't fun but it did work. Lager units with more shelves become a huge pain the ass. I also wonder about the overall stability of taller models. But for the $$ they are really hard to beat.
  6. I wrote something which might have caused more conversation and then decided I didn't care. Your second statement above, I admit, I find more than a little disturbing.
  7. [edit] I don't care.
  8. I didn't feel like typing a novel so yes, it was an over-simplification of how I feel about the issue. I celebrate the fact that he got and stayed sober for those 23 years. I feel for his kids that at some point he made the now-fatal decision to do drugs again. So yes it's tragic that he passed regardless of the reason but the reason also gives me pause.
  9. I was all set to go out for a little blast around town and then it started raining. Mid-season I'd say eff it and go, February, not so much.
  10. n_maher

    Top Gear

    I'm hoping it's available for viewing later tonight. So far, no luck.
  11. This but also what a waste. I always have mixed feelings about overdose deaths, especially when it's someone who could have afforded any treatment he needed.
  12. Especially weird since the amp that you just purchased is at the bottom of the desktop range. I'm not trying to convince you to buy the 2's over the 1's just point out that your logic is pretty haphazardly applied apparently. I've never heard the PS500s but I'd second the recommendation of the HF2s if you can find a pair reasonably priced. They were my favorite not vintage Grado but really in the $500 price range there are a lot of choices.
  13. I think there's a pair of RS-2s available in the HC family for short money.
  14. Subscribed.
  15. Five hundred american plus a cookie. Beat that!
  16. Until they start squealing and you have to send them in for repair. Lather, rinse, repeat, as Frank noted. It really is s shame as when they're working they're the best bargain in stat headphones, IMO. I still flirt with picking up a pair when a used set comes up in the "reasonable" price range but always back away when memories of the issues return and I remember the rumors that Koss will now only provide warranty service for the original owner.
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. A belated happy brithday, Dom!
  19. Stupid Verizon makes it very difficult (from my research) to root. Thankfully after a reboot the camera will now go silent if I have my phone on vibrate/mute.
  20. I love that your training wheels cost more than my entire bike.
  21. It's one of the earliest prototypes and I don't have many good interior shots but I'll post up a few shots later.
  22. Heh. There's nothing more annoying that the stupid "shutter" sound of a cell phone camera in just about any situation but there are lots of non-creepy situations where I'd like to discretely take a picture. It always used to be off when my phone was on vibrate, where it spend 99% of it's life, and now even with system sounds muted it still makes the dumb noise.
  23. Verizon updated my GS3 last week and now I can't shut off the camera shutter sound. WTF?
  24. Shelly, if you want me to mod the torpedo for you I will.
  25. n_maher


    I just religiously cook bacon in my cast iron skillet and count that as the seasoning process.
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