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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. It's Bike To Work week or somesuch so I figured I'd get up at the crack of dawn (literally) and do a longer than normal commute. Spring is finally here and I was ~10mi in at 6:15 and took a minute to stop and enjoy the sunrise over the Atlantic.
  2. Nicely done, Raffy!
  3. This. I like my digits.
  4. Happy Birthday, Matt!
  5. Happy Birthday, Ari!
  6. Indeed, well done CJ.
  7. Happy Birthday, Shelly!!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Inspiring work as always, Kerry.
  10. I would think that if it was actually a highly profitable enterprise that he'd be able to find a buyer for the business. My guess is that he's not making that much $$. Given the short window of time that he's open the overhead might be killing him. But I'm out of my league discussing stuff like this...
  11. I use a bar end mirror and it works great.
  12. Congrat, Jim!
  13. Who is the us and we that you're referring to? What is unclear is to why you're responding to yourself and still saying nothing of consequence. You should do some hard thinking before posting again.
  14. Nice! Enjoy the weather. No riding for me this weekend. I got called into work both days due to an emergent repair that needed to be done. The joys of management responsibilities...
  15. This and how the heck do you find the time!?!?
  16. You're a med student currently, right CJ?
  17. This. Shit, 51 is way too young.
  18. Done, sorry for taking so long.
  19. Not but much, CJ, if history is any indicator of the value of used Apple products.
  20. Jeff, Curious that you were unimpressed with the Audi's quality especially the interior since in all the reviews that I've been reading they are generally regarded as having one of the best of (if not the) of the bunch. The 4Runner, assuming that's the beater you're talking about, is certainly a nice ride. The newer ones are ok but I simply hate parts of the interior. I don't know who the designers are working for Toyota but they've done some simply daft things in the last few years with center consoles and radios. Just hideous.
  21. Dropped the Roubaix off for a new rear derailleur cable and adjustment today. While it's in the shop I'm going to try its saddle on the calfee. Here's to hoping.
  22. The entire commute in this morning was into a steady 15mph wind with gusts over 20. It sucked. In spots where I normally average ~20 I was well under 15. The good news is that if the winds hold I should have a ripping ride home.
  23. n_maher


    Smeggy can't be happy either.
  24. The new fusion is great. I would have recommended against the Camry as it is due for a massive update next model year. I'm clueless related to Mazda offerings. Long ago the dealer was kind of an asshat but that may have changed in the last few decades.
  25. Shit Tyll, that sucks for moto season. And damnit, I thought I had it bad mowing my yard. Although in fairness, mine requires weekly maintenance and I don't have cows to help out.
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