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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. Whipped up a batch of coconut chocolate chip scones this morning so that's what I'm eating.
  2. Yeah, that's a lot of up which is a lot less fun when you can't have any fun going down. Me - did about 7mi on the MTB today. Hoping to get 40 on the road bike tomorrow...
  3. Holy crap!
  4. In 15+ years pounding on varoius keyboards I've never had an unpleasent keyboard that made me want to go out and spend $$ on one. I don't know if that means that all of them have been bad or good... It's also unlikely that I could actually do anything about my keyboard situation since what I plug into my computer at work is a heavily regulated situation.
  5. $300 per tube is the way that I read that, so no.
  6. ^^ all of this.
  7. Happy Father's Day to all the HC dads, old and new. It's a roller coaster, that's for sure. I try to enjoy the highs ignore (or at least quickly move on) from the lows and just take it all in.
  8. I'm going to eat at least one rasher tomorrow. I bought a pound of slab bacon from the local butcher yesterday and will be firing up the grill/cast-iron-skillet tomorrow morning. I'm drooling already.
  9. nice, I just finished up 36 with a couple of friends for fathers day.
  10. I generally ignore anyone who doesn't bother with an avatar. That's a good place to start.
  11. That said, how about we all move on from this? Not that I want to hear more about the K812 mind you.
  12. If I keep up with traveling every few months (as it looks for the next year or so) I will be hard pressed not to pick up an Air for road warrior duty. The trouble is that it would require that I buy one for the wife first and while double purchases suit team overkill they do not dovetail well with the current family budget. Glad to hear the good news Stretch. A dowdy man without his iMac is just sad.
  13. Jealous! I'm just hoping to skip out for a short ride this afternoon before I pack and get on a plane to head for rainy VA tomorrow.
  14. Congrat, Ric and stay quiet, Al. Lucky is better than good most days.
  15. Stateside technical and procurement assistance at the ready, tall man.
  16. Buhbye.
  17. I'd probably look at spending a little more and hope that the actual "value" is a lot higher. Have you looked at the Yoga series at all? Our IT swears by the one he has.
  18. What's the intended purpose of the device? I'm also curious because my wife's X100e is getting long in the tooth as well and I'm tiring of hearing about it.
  19. Or at least to mount the new crank.
  20. I'm on it.
  21. Glad to see folks out and about. I got out for a quick 18 mile blast around town between mowing and yard work. It was a gorgeous 75 and sunny here today.
  22. We call it "integrated continuous process improvement".
  23. The arc shape had better magically match your head (width wise) or they could be horribly uncomfortable. That's why most, including the very similar Marley shown above, tend to have a sub-band below the main arch. Stax does this too. Anyway, that's my 2¢.
  24. If I had a way to use a USB DAC I would offer to adopt it or would have built a y2 ages ago. But ever since I changed jobs and can no longer legally plug an unapproved USB device into my work computer it's not been an option.
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