I'm just happy to have gotten back on the damn bike today and ridden into work. I'm so far behind (mileage and fitness-wise) compared to last year it's frustrating. Hopefully the next couple of months will be good.
I was there this past week. There some ok stuff, based on what I saw but there's also a lot of traffic. Avoid as much of the waterfront as you can and stick to the rural back roads and you should be able to have some fun.
Grilled pizza rocks. I do just the crust on the grill, both sides but a bit more on the top, to firm it up then put the toppings on and cook to completion. I also cook it on a very low setting trying to keep peak temps below 400F.
Brought the roubaix with me on vacation. Unpacked it only to find the rear hub is pooched. Thankfully there was a reputable shop within ten minutes and they were open Sunday. It's already fixed and I'll get it tomorrow morning.
FYI - in case anyone else's Garmin 500 seems to be getting slow to lock onto GPS - https://support.garmin.com/support/searchSupport/case.faces?caseId=%7B84774820-e4ef-11de-d785-000000000000%7D
I'm not sure if it's made a difference on mine yet but at least there's a process to have it update to the most recent satellite data (allegedly).
Ugh, not fun CJ and I really feel your pain. I'd guess I'm well on my way to needing to get my L knee scoped.
As for today - took off a little early to have a strategic planning session with two guys from work.
Banded Horn Double IPA
Left there to go get a haircut and got caught in this....
Near zero visibility hail and rain. Speed dropped from 70 to 10mph in a few seconds. This went on for several miles until I got this text...
Thankfully none of that type of madness showed up but it was rather volatile for the next few hours. It's just starting to clear now although it's still raining w/ thunder and lightning but the sun is out.
Fingers and toes crossed for a successful move, Stretch. My sister is currently suffering through the aftermath of a move where the movers saw fit to 1) pack the TV in the truck without any packing material (now broken) and 2) pack a glass lamp shade with the cast iron pans (also broken). Those are just the tip of the shitberg.
Yikes, I don't think that I could deal with that much sun, that early in the day. That and my kids would never go to bed or would wake up entirely too early.
Ouch @ stitches, if you nicked the tendon give it plenty of time to heal. I'm also with peter, it is probably time to think about what you can do to avoid these episodes in the future.
I've run Microsoft Security Essentials for the last 4 or 5 years without a virus-related issue - that was based on Todd's (tkam's) advice.
If you just need to read pdf's why wouldn't you just use Adobe's own free reader? If you need a pdf editing or markup suite I have no clue if any of the free/low-cost options are any good. I run the full version of Acrobat at work and at home.
No clue on the third item, I'm programming/coding illiterate.
That sucks, Chris.
Me - sold my car so I took the bike along for the last car ride and rode it 17 miles home. I'm hoping to log some serious commuting miles in the coming two months while my wife is on summer vacation.