Well, the Moto 360 finally hit the streets today and the reviews are... decidedly mixed. Mostly it seems like there's a lot to like a few (big?) things not to like. First and foremost, it's a 1day battery. That sucks in my book. I don't really want something else that I have to remember to charge every damn day or it's useless. Second, the interface is not optimized for the round face. Depending on who you ask this is either an annoyance or not really a big deal. I can't help but feel a little disappointed that it took this long to get something this mediocre. But I also suspect that this market segment will go something like the original smart phone development where the gen 1 products will mostly suck, gen 2 will be better but still not great and from there the exponential refinements will pretty quickly correct most if not all faults. So I guess I'll hold onto my small stack of cash for another year and see where that leaves me. Or maybe Apple will blow my socks off in a few weeks.