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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. This. The world is a little less fun today.
  2. Why are all the good bags made in MT?
  3. Currently watching it spit snow and rain while working on projects around the house. And I'm pretty sure I just heard thunder... I think thunder snow is a precursor to a sharknado.
  4. As you get ready to purchase don't forget http://www.geartrade.com/- it's the last bastion of deals from the likes of Steep and Cheap and Back Country as well as used gear from individuals. I've seen some pretty great deals go through there. This one might be worth looking at for you Jeff. http://www.geartrade.com/item/346525/arcteryx-needle-35nossize-large
  5. Woah and this. They be comin' out of the wood work!!
  6. It's not available, even if you're on FB (at least not for me).
  7. Nice! I need to get out again this weekend.
  8. Shelly, First, color me jealous of that rig. Just. So. Much. Awesome. Second, about the worst that would probably happen is some mild discoloration of the underside of the shelf. But that would probably take a lot of time. When I had a similar lack of space at work the underside of my shelf got slightly browned, but no worse and that was with 8-10hrs of continuous runtime. The 6SN7 is also not pumping out that much heat. If the data sheet I found is correct it's probably only trying to deal with ~4W (6.3V/.6A heater) but don't hold me to that. My DIY skills are eroding with time and it's been a while since I applied much, if any critical thinking to stuff like this.
  9. Sarah Blasko - I Awake
  10. I am getting crushed.
  11. I was planning to try to make it but the family is travelling for the long weekend just prior so odds are that I will need/want to stay close to home unfortunately.
  12. In this instance I believe that he's being serious since the only type of "matching" that is really of any value is if you match tubes based on the operationg conditions under which they will be asked to perform. Tubes have an operating curve and just because two points happen to align between two tubes does not give much, if any, confidence that the remainder of the curves will be similar. So matching at a user-defined operating point allows for far better determination of whether or not the tubes will perform similarly when put into service in a particular application. If you want this better type of matching you'll need to get some advice about what operating points to specify which I believe will have both a voltage and current specification. I hope that helps.
  13. Happy birthday, Marc!
  14. I'm pretty sure that I can winged-C's in my BH as well and they were both very affordable and good sounding. NOS may be better but at ~5-10x the cost, if you can find them, it wasn't worth it to me.
  15. I received the wireless charging back panel for the S5 last night and installed it without incident (so far). Yes, it makes the phone marginally thicker and a little heavier. To my hands (largish) it actually makes the phone more comfortable to hold. I was also pleased to discover that you do not have to use the Samsung branded charger (unnecessarily expensive) and managed to buy a charger for both work and home for less than Sammy's single unit would have cost. Basically, the $50 rebate I got on the phone nearly covered the entire upgrade. No more fiddling with the battery door I will have allegedly maintained my water-tightness.
  16. I have one, but only because it came on the bike. Not sure I'd bother otherwise.
  17. Happy birthday, Peter!
  18. I got out on the MTB again yesterday and did the same loop as last weekend. Went much better this time, sadly no video as the GoPro decided that it wanted to be a still camera instead of a video camera (so pissed) so all I got was a single shot a the start of the ride. Decided to vent my frustration by riding to work today. It was a balmy 34 when I left the house a little after 6am...
  19. Good luck, Lain. And yes, looks like nasty business in Bermuda.
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Ouch @ $650. That makes my choice of the S5 more justified.
  23. Looks like the 6 might actually come to Verizon, which would be a first.
  24. Happy Birthday, Vicki!
  25. Very nice!
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