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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/legend-continues-audio-technica-ath-m50x or double down... http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/striking-master-dynamic-mh40-sealed-around-ear-headphone
  2. Thanks for those videos, Stretch. Implemented some of the techniques this morning and came away much more pain free than usual. I do want to try at least some alternate shaving cream and pre-shave to see if it'll allow me to shave more frequently. Right now unless I want major pain and suffering I basically need to let my beard grow for 3 to 4 days before shaving. Weird, I know. Not sure I want to switch to a safety razor just yet so baby steps to start. Where are you guys buying stuff like this?
  3. 3" on the ground this morning when I left and it was snowing pretty hard. It's light stuff again, courtesy of temps in the single digits, but is supposed to go on all day with winds progressively getting worse and topping out near 40mph.
  4. The NAD pp2e is also pretty cheap.
  5. No pic, eaten too quickly. Made queso fundido w/ chorizo today for the superbowl party. It was quite good, despite only being able to find Spanish chorizo. My go-to butcher didn't make any this week. The leftover chopped peppers, onion, tomato and cilantro should make for an epic omelet tomorrow morning.
  6. 12"+
  7. Nah, that's just the backyard. Last night only delivered a couple of inches or so but its crazy windy today.
  8. All went well, thankfully. I put the battery on the trickle charger last night just to be safe and the light was green this morning.
  9. It's snowing here again. About 1" on the ground so far with 3-6" predicted overnight tonight. Shouldn't be too bad. There's another storm coming Monday along with some serious cold (-5F predicted + high winds) that doesn't sound like much fun.
  10. HC, the headphone melting pot. Me - love of music started at a young age. I remember listening to (but not enjoying) classical music with my mom from the meager stereo that we had in the house. That progressed to me saving up my summer job $$ when I was 11 or 12 and buying the first CD player that we had in the house. It only got more nuts from there. The first real system I had was an Onkyo Integrated amp and CD changer coupled to a pair of pretty huge Infinity floor standers. I had that system from 16-20 and then things got really nuts. I had a friend that was a pawn shop junkie and we used to tour the seacoast shops trolling for good deals. He found the first, which meant that he wanted to offload his Nakamichi pre-amp/amp setup which I happily adopted. I added a few more bits like dual 12" passive subs in custom cabinets driven by a huge, rack mountable Yamaha pro 2ch amp and Boston Acoustics main channels. I eventually added a second set of main speakers, why who knows, and then swapped the Nak stuff for an NAD integrated and 3-CD changer. I had that rig for a few years but eventually was swayed over to the dark side of home theater. The best HT rig I had was a Pioneer Elite receiver, fed by a unremarkable or at least nothing-worth-remembering DVD player with Paradigm speakers on the front three and a little pair of Boston Acoustics in the rear and an Infinity sub. I think I had that setup for the better part of 8 years or so. I still have the Paradigm stuff in the house, but the Elite was sold and replaced with an Outlaw receiver (1050) to help Ian shed some gear and I currently have no spot for rear channels. If all goes to plan this year we'll put an addition on the house which will finally allow me my first shot in 10 years to upgrade and expand the gear. Where do headphones fit in? In 2002 I moved into an apartment and couldn't really use the HT rig much. I wanted to listen to tunes. I got a pair of Sennheisers for Xmas (from Ian no less), discovered Headroom's website, bought a pair of ER4Ps, then found Head-Fi and as someone who always loved to tinker with stuff got a little more involved in the DIY side of things than I ever thought possible.
  11. n_maher


    Your memory of them is better than mine, since they were never mine! Really, I'm just giving you a bit of a hard time. Don't hurt me.
  12. ^^ That's a good enough recommendation for me to try it.
  13. n_maher


    You know, those HF-1s could be re-terminated for balanced use...
  14. Oh, I have AAA but I doubted they would get there any faster than my wife this morning. This afternoon, we'll see...
  15. There's an alarm, this idiot just missed it. I was late getting home and in the rush just missed it. Lesson learned. Really I'm just hoping that it'll restart this afternoon without a jump since the aforementioned idiot didn't pack jumper cables.
  16. It was definitely a morning.
  17. I've actually been enjoying the heck out of the HD800s lately. They definitely sound better to me off an amp with a less than nero-zero output impedance and actually sound much better with pretty high output impedance.
  18. Both of those images are awesome, Ari.
  19. Very cool. Me: yesterday - evidently I left the lights on in the car when I was rushing to get home. Today - it took me 2-1/2hrs to get my car started. Awesome.
  20. n_maher


    That would, uh, clearly be acceptable.
  21. Todd, that's pretty awesome and local (for us). I might have to drop them a line.
  22. n_maher


    FYI - I operate and maintain a home for wayward passive studio monitors.
  23. We got somewhere between 24 and 30". I cleared another 12-16" off the driveway this morning and we'll be good for at least 24 hours till the next storm on Friday. Oh, and then there's another one forecast for Monday that's already looking like it'll deliver another 12" or so. Two weeks ago it rained and my entire lawn was bare. By this time next week we might have 4'+. Jebus help us. And you can't efficiently flip the bird while wearing mittens so that was just the thumbs up sarcastic option.
  24. Craig, Not that it matters terribly but I think Namaan is in TX, or thereabouts. The LX-Mini looks like a really cool project but I've got one half-finished speaker project in the shop already. Maybe next year.
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