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Everything posted by n_maher

  1. ^^ Suggestion, make a thread. It'll be appropriate that way. I've always enjoyed your contributions, Knucks, regardless of medium/media/format.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Happy Birthday, Dr. Wood!
  4. Came out better than acceptable.
  5. Decided to give homemade focaccia a try. Made the dough last night to slow-rise overnight in the fridge. Prepped and transferred to a metal pan for second rise for 4hrs this afternoon. Just stabbed down, oiled, and salted and now in the oven. Here's to hoping.
  6. I blame a 16hr work day yesterday for being late to the party, Happy (belated) birthday, Jeff!
  7. It's funny, Al, I was actually thinking of that trip the other day and as a result, am making Detroit style pizza today. Before reading your post, and while making the pizza, I was also pondering memories and how there are some that I'm unlikely to forget despite the passage of time. Driving up and back to SF from Monterey is one of them, the overnight with you and Steve, and the walk in the woods, being something that I think I'll always look back upon fondly.
  8. Having personally dealt with the fragility of the Cicada drivers I can say at this point i wouldn't bother tracking one down. Back 10 years ago when I built and then had to deal with i think three out of 4 drivers failing, you're better off sourcing matched replacements that work in the existing circuit. They'll never look as cool but they will probably last longer. I can probably dig up what I did for the desktop versions I built long ago. I worked with Craig on that.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. It's been approximately eleventybillion years since I actually built something and I'm not sure that this qualifies but at a minimum, i finally assembled and wired something that I've been procrastinating/avoiding for like two years. I present, the IcePower 1200AS2 in a Ghent Audio case. I'll post a completed picture at some point but it looks like a black box. Not entirely sure what I'll do with it. Maybe I'll build a set of bookshelf speakers to overpower?
  12. Ok, so it's been a good long time since I've worked on much in the DIY world but I took on the project of trying to rehab Knuck's Millett hybrid and for the most part it went well. The amp arrived with issues with the power supply capacitors, which were spec'd as 25V units but with the +/- 15V power supply have the distinct chance of seeing more than that and three out of the six had failed. I replaced all 6 with 35V units to provide some future resiliency and while they don't fit the PCB as well, they fit. Then I ran into the unexpected problem of the power switch being flaky. I think it's got an internal issue and I'm tempted to simply bypass it and turn this thing into an "always-on" scenario because I can't imagine successfully desoldering, removing and replacing the unit. That's assuming I could source the correct replacement. So, before I screw something up royally, I decided to ask for some advice. If I wanted to "bypass" this switch, which appears to be a DPDT unit, anyone have an recommendations on how best to accomplish that? And yes, I know the joints look like hot garbage. I tried to reflow them a couple of times hoping the issue was a cold joint or something like that but a small amount of pressure to the left on the switch body is all it takes to correct the issue and no amount of resoldering had any effect.
  13. Happy Birthday, Grahame! Here's to hoping your day is filled with tea and the usual beverage, if that's your preference. And a side of bacon, naturally.
  14. Parmesan risotto and lemon chicken.
  15. Happy Birthday, Knucks!
  16. Happy belated birthday!
  17. Sounds fricken delicous, Al.
  18. Cut a square, heat in microwave for 30sec or so, place on toasted english muffin or biscuit (if you're feeling lucky) = near instant egg sandwich.
  19. It's a staple in our house. Also, half-missed your earlier request for both recipes so here's the baked french toast. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/cinnamon-baked-french-toast-recipe-2120484 I tweak it a bit, cutting back on both the sugar and the liquid. I think I used just a half cup of brown sugar in the liquid part of the recipe, also used one less egg and only used a cup and a half total of milk/cream combo. Otherwise it ends up serious soggy in my experience. I also add cinnamon and nutmeg to both the filling and topping portions of the recipe. One more piece of advice, pre-make the topping and put some of it in a mid-layer of the bread otherwise it ends up being too much just on the top. In that same vein, recommend building it in two layers and adding some of the egg/milk mix to the lower section for more even distribution.
  20. @Voltron
  21. Will do in a bit, Al. Of note, one must add the green chilis which escaped me this year. 🤦‍♂️
  22. This morning it was green-chili-cheese eggs and baked french toast casserole.
  23. n_maher


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