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n_maher last won the day on February 22

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About n_maher

  • Birthday 03/03/1976

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  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Biography
    Ordinary Average Guy
  • Location
    Seacoast, NH
  • Occupation
    Structural Engineer
  • Hobbies
    Wood, Metal, etc.
  • Headphones
    HF-2, HF-1, ER4P
  • Headphone Amps
    The Torpedo
  • Sources
    Adcom GDA-700, EAD DSP 1000 MKIII, Parasound DAC 1500, Squeezebox Touch

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  1. So sorry for your loss, Todd. Mourn the loss as you are able and I’m so very glad that you and Andrew were able to say goodbye. Vent here if it helps or you’ve got my actual phone number if you need an ear. Cherish the life that you had with her, nothing will ever change that. But don’t spend the rest of yours dwelling on time you didn’t get.
  2. Yeah, saw this earlier while out to dinner. Sucks. Was and will remain a huge fan of Buffy and Michelle/Dawn was a big part of the last few years of that show. 39 ain’t no time to go, period.
  3. Very happy birthday to you, Naaman!
  4. A bit of both, Al. I have no direct experience with 1UP but both the Kuat and Thule that I mentioned were super easy to lock to the car. And both had integrated locking mechanisms for the bikes as well. I don’t think that 1UP has built in provisions for either, which can be overcome but requires some additional investment. And because they aren’t built in it’s a little more fuss and likelihood of failure due to forgetting components at home.
  5. Al, I have one of the Kuat racks, not the piston pro just a second generation NV, and it’s very nice and built like a tank but also built like a tank. It’s a heavy beast so getting it on and off the car can be a pain but getting the bikes on and off is a breeze. Integral locking is decent enough. I ended up with it because a local was selling it, along with the 2-bike extension, for about 40% off and I needed it in less than a week’s time for the annual fall bike trip. Before the NV I had a Thule Helium single bike rack and it was much lighter and seemed to be well build and also had decent integral locking. If it’d been a 2-bike setup I’m not sure I ever would have ended up with the NV. It’s at least a few hundred bucks less than the NV and still presents well.
  6. Happy Birthday, Dan!
  7. ^^ Suggestion, make a thread. It'll be appropriate that way. I've always enjoyed your contributions, Knucks, regardless of medium/media/format.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Happy Birthday, Dr. Wood!
  10. Came out better than acceptable.
  11. Decided to give homemade focaccia a try. Made the dough last night to slow-rise overnight in the fridge. Prepped and transferred to a metal pan for second rise for 4hrs this afternoon. Just stabbed down, oiled, and salted and now in the oven. Here's to hoping.
  12. I blame a 16hr work day yesterday for being late to the party, Happy (belated) birthday, Jeff!
  13. It's funny, Al, I was actually thinking of that trip the other day and as a result, am making Detroit style pizza today. Before reading your post, and while making the pizza, I was also pondering memories and how there are some that I'm unlikely to forget despite the passage of time. Driving up and back to SF from Monterey is one of them, the overnight with you and Steve, and the walk in the woods, being something that I think I'll always look back upon fondly.
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