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Everything posted by MASantos

  1. I guess I'm still waiting for some ass spanking too, but since I don't post that much, I guess I'm safe for the next few months! Welcome to head-case! Just enjoy the place!
  2. That would look quite nice!(Nate's sugestion) Show us the result!
  3. So, team Spain, when do you expect having this ready? With easyjet's 20€ flights to Madrid, could I invite myself to a listening session? :cool:
  4. Happpy Birthday Tyll!! Have a great day!!!
  5. Happy Birthday Guys! Have a great Day!
  6. This is a question that just crossed my mind: Would there be any advantage in powering an M3 with a o22 bypassing the railsplitter instead of just using a o11?
  7. That's what I'll problably do. It's what makes most sense, IMO.
  8. Trilok Gurtu, Nitin Sawhney, Franz Ferdinand.
  9. The Doors - The Doors (DCC Gold)
  10. Biggie you should post these in your feedback post with description and explaining the risk of personal injury. Keep a link to this whole mess in your signature, it will bring more people to the thread.
  11. Onions are great! Good on everything and even sweet stuff! you can bake onion cake!
  12. Happy belated Birthday!
  13. ...pickled tomatoes don't sound apealing to me... Now I'm searching for homemade ketchup recipes. A neighbour brought me about 50 pounds of tomatoes I've got to do something with them before they rotten. ps: one more for you: Auscultadores [awʃkultɐ'dor] = headphones
  14. It's Tomato... (need to practice my english, making this kind of mistakes makes me mad...) It's just like any other jam, ingredients are tomatoes, sugar, and one lemon sliced in half(it releases the citric acid during boiling which increases conservation) It is really good on toasts and tastes like jam, with tomato flavour. This weekend I'm baking an apple cake and then filling it with tomato jam! Let experimenting begin!
  15. I've been studying air trafic control stuff all day for the big exam on monday! I also made 11 pounds of organic tomatoe jam!
  16. Biggie, you should really consider asking her for a full refund after seing those pics. The wiring is piss poor, the layout isn't much better. Really bad is that I can't see a fuse for the DAC power supply and there are a few airwired capacitors in that medical power supply which could mean trouble in the future... Overall workmanship is terrible and you shouldn't be happy with that!
  17. :palm:
  18. Had classes from 8 till 4. Right now I'm studying the Doc.4444 of ICAO. Anyone knows what that is?? (googling not allowed) ps: Good luck Luis!
  19. I see, thanks!
  20. What makes people prefer the monos so much over stereo versions?
  21. Nice to know it's alive again Al!
  22. Happy Birthday Neal!
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