I don't recall the high school fad's right off, but what comes to me most vivid is the early '90s when I began a job as a Creative Director developing a specialized Mental Health Program for "seriously emo kids" (my best friends.) I feel in love with ties. The kids loved them and would want to come over at the start of each day and check out my satitorical spleader. They'd want to touch them to which was a nice way to lelt them connect with me.
These were rep. school club emblems but bold and expressive wearable art. Those brief few years represented a rennasiance, an explosion of posibility and uniquness. Surelism, cubism, impression, all the worlds art from were incorporated. Silks were highly refined in multi level jacards. Colors bold or deep and subtle patterned as origninal works of colled fine or pop art. Dark themes, satiric ironies, and then just plain pure expressions of the human condition. Treasurs you could wear and chooce day by day to say: "This is how I feel and what I want to communicate today." Brands: Zenga, Boss, Audrey Buckner, Serica Elite, Armani, Versace, Jahne Barnes,Tino Cosmo, on and on. We couldn't afford retail. Go over to the Norstrom Rack and pay $20 + or so for $100 tie The permissvie phase of expression lasted only about five years then a slow fizzle, then bamm, Bush. It was such a cool time there could have been a tiefi.
PS This time period is not too far off when some head-case folks still had references to high school so I think I'm somewhere w/in the framework to the original question?