Up until about 30 minutes ago, I was set on picking up a pair of Denon AH-D2000 (based on head-fi reviews). But after reading 10+ pages of reasons not to get them I am back at square one. I have never purchased a pair of 'high end' headphones and unfortunately, have no means of demoing them. Therefore I am relying on your opinons and experiences to make up my mind. I do not have an amp but am planning to pick up an ibasso boa when I save up enough cash. I currently have about $300 but would like to set aside about $75 to start an 'amp savings'. I will however, dig into that if needed to get a better pair of cans. The only headphones I know are in this range are the Denon AH-D2000 and Beyerdynamic dt770. I would be open to an 'open' pair but I have heard that a lot of sound gets out. I plan to use these in my dorm room and would like to avoid annoying my roomates.
Source: Ipod 30g (re-recording my tracks now), Anyhting form oldies to hip-hop
Thanks for anything you guys can give