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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. what aerius said. planet10-hifi makes phase plugs specifically for that application. gets rid of the shoutyness from the fostex 206e which is waaaaaaaay more honky in the higher registers than any lowther driver. wonder what could be done with a not so expensive woofer and a dx4 in the same cabinet with a crossover at say 400hz....decent bass + excellent mids. when i was messing around with the fonkens, i tried to get more bass quantity out of them but failed miserably. was expecting too much from a 4.5" driver. but the bass quality with a nice amp was rather satisfactory. that was with $400 in parts. with considerably more money and better/bigger drivers i am sure better slam could be achieved. i dont know if it would be fair to ask a desktop monitor to produce the same kind of bass that perhaps a dedicated 15" subwoofer could produce.
  2. i suggested the lowthers purely for midrange, not for bass. seemed that that was more important. i cant find the plans anywhere but i have sent the gentlemen who had those speakers an email to see if he can direct me in the right direction. iirc, he had actually purchased them from some company in either north or south carolina. will post if i get a reply from him. when i heard those things, the bass wasnt all that impressive but the midrange was about as good as i had ever heard. he also had apogee calipers and those cool looking gallo speakers (reference 3 maybe, but i dont remember the model number). of the 3 rigs, the lowthers were quite a ways ahead in the midrange dept. non existent bass compared to the gallo speakers which had subwoofers in each cabinet.
  3. afaik, lowther only manufactures drivers and one floorstander. so it would have to be a diy/commision job unless you are willing to pay a 3x markup which would land you outside your budget. i have seen 2 smaller designs used for desktop use. they are very deep though. imagine a horizontal transmission line. actually thats exactly what that is. will look for the designs in the evening. wasnt able to find them last night. for midrange i cant think of a better driver for desktop use other than maybe feastrex but those things are a lot more expensive. perhaps phy or some seas offering but those are more $$$ as well.
  4. for that big of a budget, id like to throw in a vote for some nice lowther drivers (excellent midrange from what i have read and from the 2 pairs of pm6a's that i have heard) in a simple cabinet (driver would depend on the cabinet chosen). on paper they go that low but i dont know you will be able to get buttshaking bass out of them. sq wise i think they might be better than much prettier speakers with fancy crossovers and such things. also they are all at least 96db efficient so you could drive them quite easily with the amp that you have.
  5. ron clarkes dallas 2s damnit stretch beat me to it. room belongs to some guy in scandinavia iirc. guy posted a picture in the diyaudio full range forum.
  6. Feastrex Nf 5ex Naturflux Field Coil Driver [audiojunkies] feastrex makes 2 models iirc.
  7. around the kid or the tt? i kid. congratulations mr. santa.
  8. i was talking from the marketing point of view. but i understand your point.
  9. huh? i dont get it.
  10. with what probability?
  11. so the amp sucks then...?
  12. CANOR-AUDIO.COM : Headphone tube amplifier SH1 : Tube amplifier & high end audio found this while following random integrated amp links. any thoughts? construction looks clean. worth the $550 they charge for it?
  13. im surprised by how well regarded they are. i mean i doubt ill be able to afford them in my lifetime but compared to other "uber high end" speakers their price is relatively tame. again, not saying that the mbl's are cheap - they arent but some other stuff is just silly expensive. usually moar moneys = moar bettah seems to hold once you go off the deep end. really hope to hear them someday.
  14. happy birthday sir.
  15. well he is selling that and a rega p1 with the glass platter upgrade for 300. thats seems too much money for me. if anyone else thinks thats a decent deal, given instructions on how to pack it, i can act as middle man. no fees required of course. emailed him to see how much it would cost. havent heard from him yet.
  16. any thoughts on the following turntable? Sony PS- LX350H guy at school is selling it.
  17. South Beach Miami Florida|South Beach Restaurants|ISHQ dont know if your friends would like indian food all that much. i personally dont like it probably because i eat it everyday. they might want to try something different. that place is supposed to have very good indian food. pizza rustica has good pizza.
  18. Philosophical language
  19. thanks for making me spit my soda all over my screen fitz. asshole.
  20. please tell me that that is a very very good photoshop job.
  21. if you are buying a new machine, my vote goes for this. (almost half the price of a mac mini for a decently configured zino) Dell Inspiron Zino HD Desktop | Dell cheaper. and seems to be "designed" for that purpose. (this is assuming pc is even on the table for discussion)
  22. jebus they are pretty. im starting to life paler shades of wood now.
  23. external drives (usually) dont carry as long a warranty as internals. again, usually 1 yr vs 3-5 years
  24. wouldnt it be cheaper/better (in case you got some other speakers in the future) to fix the floor? this is assuming you own the place...if it is a rented apt/house it may not be worth it. then again a 6" granite or a concrete platform covering the area might be yet another solution. that way you could put whatever speakers on there. or just buy spikes.
  25. you guys have this community. ive been part of the scene for almost 7 years now. that is my community. i may not be able to contribute as much to headcase but i do contribute a lot to the scene. it is not a matter of benevolence. it is just something people do. take that however you like. to those who feel justice was served - if you have done absolutely nothing unsavory or morally reprehensible, however insignificant, in your life, i accept your criticism and admire you for leading the life of a saint and doing no wrong EVER.
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