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Everything posted by crappyjones123

  1. I don't know anything about cameras. Neither does mum. Which one would be good for her? She mostly takes pictures indoors. Roughly $400 or below. Don't have to spend it all.
  2. Happy bday sir.
  3. My dad brought me an electronic sharpener when I was in maybe 3rd grade. Operates on 240v. I havent been able to something similar to it so back I was using staedtler wooden pencils (only way to go with wooden pencils btw) I was using that sharpner with a voltage transformer in our house. In fact my dad who uses only staedtler pencils is now using it in NYC. Greatest. Sharpener. Ever.
  4. i can come by tomorrow if you want me to take a look at it vicki. dont know if i would be able to do any better than what you already did but i could provide a fresh set of eyes.
  5. I had to do a double take when I saw doc's post I write too slow. I wasnt able to finish most exams growing up in India because I couldn't write everything I wanted to. It fucking blew ass.
  6. Further shows shelly has all the cool toys I've been looking for a black 0.3mm for the longest time for a sane price but they are all nuts. I went through the same lead breaking phase with the 0.3mm but if you stick with it you will reduce the amount of pressure you put on the tip leading to less breakage. Also leads to a waaaaaay nicer writing experience. I used to get bad pain while writing because I used to hold pencils so hard. The 0.7 mm pencils seem like crayons now. Also depends on what lead you use. Softer will break faster but will also lead you to hold the pencil with a softer grip a lot quicker.
  7. Send it to me mike. Won't be drinking but I don't mind furthering your drinking cause.
  8. you certainly shouldnt use my 0.3mm rotring then http://www.iainclaridge.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/0910/rotring600_2.jpg many a time have i been assaulted by that pencil but i have never written with anything that comes to within 300 miles of that pencil. i have a silver one. past few posts are making me want to buy the black 600 /runs off to montgomerypens.
  9. Florida is not dangerous enough. We need moar bears and lions and shit.
  10. I want to live in your house Wayne.
  11. It's a dumb class that I only go to to take tests. Bleh. So tired icant even fall asleep. Watching deadliest roads on history channel. They talking about a road in India that my mom took every summer when she was working on her phd. She keeps yelling every 5 minutes saying omg we had tea at that very shop 30 years ago etc etc
  12. stayed up for the past 2 days studying for a test that was supposed to be taken at 5pm today. i misread the date on the syllabus...test is actually on the 19th :facepalm: walked into class asking for the test. professor had no clue what i was talking about. he laughed and said i was losing my shit and that i should go home and sleep. which i am about to go do now. didnt have lunch. it wasn't nice. about to pick up a 5 guys burger on the way home. pretty sure that will be nice.
  13. damnit. then i dont know what we have.
  14. we got motherfucking alligators. and snakes. we got motherfucking snakes on motherfucking planes.
  15. i wasnt sleeping! i was thinking. thats my story and im sticking to it.
  16. hey hey hey. i sleep on the floor. so fitz can have the bed.
  17. jp coming too? moar win. wut? steakhouse with a dress code? guess my shorts and button downs are no good then.
  18. pre meet party in genes room
  19. mike vicki al gene matt grahame brent ari todd carl fitz colin shelly wayne (?) justin jeff dom (?) peter steve (asr) ben miguel ken alex (?) steve (dr wood) (?) raffy scott (?) above list in no particular order. just ran through the thread very quickly. ? next to names who i didnt see affirmative posts from. mods please edit as necessary.
  20. woohoo ari and grahame getting there on thursday
  21. so i can now get the amphions and the brinkmann!
  22. thanks all.
  23. Oh you silly you... But yes
  24. No law school will make me not want to go back. sorry to disappoint al.
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